Felix X Reader

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Starting the day with a sigh isn't always a good sign, Felix was being his mean oldself and it was annoying, evey time I'd made a joke he would just glare at me and tell me to go away

"Don't worry I'm sure it was poor timing" bridgette said as she patted my back, i laid across my desk and slowly sodded

"B-but, he shouldn't take it out on me!" I cired out loud as my head slammed against the desk

"H-hey, don't do that" she said with panic in her tone, i just laid there in silence until the class room door opened up, lefting my head up a little just to see who it was

"bridgette, are you ready to go?" Felix said, her head quickly looked at him and her whole action changed

"Sure!, I'll see you tomorrow  (Y/N)" she said gradding her backpack and headeding off, another sigh left my mouth as i sat up in my chair and rubbed my forehead

"Eh, it's going to bruise " i told myself, getting up and out of my chair, i walked out the door with my bag over my shoulder, everyone had almost gone home, a few people where still walking around

I stood outside as i watched the clouds fly past, i had zone out and didn't notice someone calling my name until, a football collided with my head, i fell into a bush

"Ah, I'm so sorry are you alright?" They asked

"Y-yeah, im fine, h-here" i said and handed their football back, then they left without saying anything or helping me, another sigh, i was then on my way home, it had rained earlier and small puddles where still around, little kids jumpped into them

A car when past and water when up my legs, i stood back and let out another sigh, once i was home, my clothes where wear, i had bird poo on my clothes and a brunch in my hair, walking into my room i was meet with a blonde hair boy in a leather suit

"Ah, Chat" i said pulling the brunch out of my hair

"What happened to you?" He asked

"Had a bad day" i told him and grabbed clean clothes to change into as i headed to my bathroom, once changed i laid on my bed as Chat sat at the end of it

"Want to talk about it?" He asked as i let out a long sigh

"Not much to really talk about beside the fact the outside hate me" rolling onto my back i then sat up and looked at him " what was your day like?" I asked

"It's been busy" he told me

"Another attack?" I questioned as he nodded " and I'm guessing Ladybug turned you down once again?" He nodded again as i sighed

"What do i do (Y/N)" he yelled and placed both his hands on my shoulders, sitting there i just blinked at him

"She could be in love with another" i told him " but there vould be other reasons"

"Who does she love, I'm gonna fine him and.." Chat stopped talking as i started laughing " whats so funny?"

"You, the way you always go out of your way to get the person you love" i told him with a smile " i, i wish i could do that, I'm always getting the bad side when i try and cheer them up"

"And that stops you how?" He asked

"Something always comes up, i mean did tell him a joke to day and ended up with falling into a bush, being pooed on and getting wet by a car, maybe bad luck always happens when I'm with him"

Chat was silent, i looked at the time and remembered i had a few things to do for school, i moved Chat's hands from my shoulder as i got up and headed to my desk and sat down

"Chat I'll see you tomorrow, i have things to do a d need to make something for my friend's birthday " i told him, i felt arms around me and heard a small purr

" do i have to go?, can't i stay longer" Chat asked

"You can if you want to but i wont be talking much" i told him and felt him nod as i started my homework first

-time skip -

It was late, chat had left a while ago and i was still working, i let out a yawn until i heard birds

"No" turning my head i saw the light from the sun coming into my room " oh god, its morning!" I rushed around getting dressed and sorted out for school, gradding the gift i made i run out of the house

I run to school and into class, sitting down at my desk i let out a sigh and then looked at my phone

"7:30am" i said "i came here to early!" I laid my head onto my desk soon the class room door opened but i just laid there

" (Y/N)?"  Felix said " what are you doing here so early

"I didn't sleep and panicked thinking it was later" i said looking up at him

"God you look horrible" he said " not meaning that in the wrong way"

" oh, here" i pulled out his gift as he walked over to get it " sorry it isn't wrapped" i told him and laid my head on the desk

- Felix view-

I looked down at the gift i was given by (Y/N) i looked down at her and smiled a little

"Thank you" i said as she gave me the thumbs up before her arm fell down onto her desk " and it's Saturday, you can stay for my paino lesson if you want"

"Ahh!, for real its saturday!" She yelled as she stood up, i nodded "god damn it!, I'm never lucky" she fell back into her chair and her head slammed against the desk "ow"

"Are you already?" I asked as she shock her head "want a ice pack?" Sje shock her head again

"I want this bad luck to stop, I've been getting it ever since i started hanging with you" she told me

"Then don't be my friend" i told her "not like i care

" i want to be your friend " she said as she sat up slowly " even if you don't care if I'm in your life or not, i still like being around you, even with this bad luck"

I stood there while she stood up, she gradded her things and then started leaving

"But, if you want me out of your life then, then i understand " she said and i watched as the door shut, without thinking i run after her, before she could leave the school i gradded her arm and pulled her into me

we didn't say anything just stood there as i embraced her, i lefted her head and smiled at her

"I'm not going to leave you alone that easy " she told me as i nodded

"I understand" i told her, i softly kissed her as she then kissed me back " I'm glad you own leave me "

--- A/N ---

Yay! Another story is out! Two in one day, I'm really am trying to type some lemons but i don't know how to put them, i will think one out hopefully for the next story but i hooe you enjoyed this Felix story

Adrien/Chat Noir X Reader One Shot Completed Where stories live. Discover now