Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When I open my eyes I take notice that I'm in a dark room and there's an arm on my chest. I look over and see that the arm belongs to the beautiful woman I met just a few hours ago. The memories of the very eventful night we just had come back to me, and I feel myself start to get wet again just from thinking about it.

I know I have to leave, but I make no effort to get up. I just watch the beautiful naked woman next to me sleep for a few minutes. I can't help but smile when she shifts slightly in her sleep and scrunches up her nose. She may look incredibly sexy when awake, but when sleeping she looks equally as cute. I lay there a little longer until I'm hit with a sudden realization. I'm still in her bed with her, in her apartment...

I let out a nearly silent groan, I can't believe I fell asleep here, I never do that. I turn my head and look at the clock on her night stand, and I sigh when I notice its five in the morning. I really need to get home before Liam notices I'm not home, but as I once again look at the naked woman next to me, I can't seem to muster up the motivation to leave.

Seriously what's wrong with me?! I never fall asleep after having sex with someone, and I sure as hell don't spend the whole night. Normally I wait 'til they fall asleep and then sneak out. Usually I would be long gone by now.

I sigh again knowing that I absolutely have to get up and leave, even if I don't want to. I gently move her arm off my chest and slip out of the bed, making sure not to wake her. I attempt to find what little of my clothes as I can; managing to grab my jeans and shirt and forgetting about the rest, I quietly slip out of the room. As I walk into the living room I locate my shoes and get dressed before I start to make my way to the door.

The second my hand reaches for the door knob I'm hit with a sudden wave of guilt. For some reason I felt bad about just sneaking out in the middle of the night, despite having done it countless times before. But it's not like she honestly expected me to stay the whole night, right? I mean we met at a bar and I think that I made it clear that all I wanted was sex and nothing else.

And yet I seem to be having a hard time leaving right now. I sigh knowing that I absolutely have to leave no matter what, I really do need to be home before Liam wakes up. I reach for the door knob again, but for some reason I feel compelled not to leave without saying a single word.

I look around the room and notice a pen and paper sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. I walk over and grab them, deciding to at least write her a note.

I think for a minute having trouble figuring out what to say; I end up settling on just telling her that I had fun and decide to write my cell number, telling her to call me if she wanted to do it again. I sign the note and place it on the kitchen counter before making my way to the door.

The second I close the door, locking it behind me, I wonder why the hell I just did that. Why did I leave a note and why did I give her my number?! Normally I never want to see the person I just had sex with again. I'm fine with sleeping with people just once, I actually prefer it. No matter how good the sex was, and believe me the sex with Mia was amazing, but once with the same person has always been more than enough for me. And yet I feel like I would jump at the opportunity to have sex with her again. I sigh, bringing myself out of my thoughts and make my way to my car.


It actually doesn't take me long to get home, Mia's apartment is only about fifteen minutes from mine. In the elevator up to my floor I can't help replaying all of the events of the night in my head, and I smile to myself, suddenly I'm incredibly glad I let Shannon drag me to that club.

After getting into my apartment and locking the door behind me, I kick off my shoes. I really need a shower to wash the smell of sex off me. I make my way down the hall towards my bedroom. Making sure I'm as quiet as I can possibly be as I pass by Liam's door, knowing if I wake him nothing good will come out of it.

"You just getting in?" I hear someone whisper as I reach my bedroom door.

"What's it to you?" I whisper with a raised brow while turning around, seeing Evan leaning against the bathroom door yawning.

"Nothing really. I'm just glad you finally got out and had some fun for once," he whispers with amusement in his voice.

"And what makes you so sure I had fun?"

"Oh gosh, I don't know! Perhaps it's because you're sneaking into the apartment after five am. It could also be the fact your shirts on backwards and inside out. Or maybe it's the numerous hickeys on your neck. But these are all just guesses," he points out, clearly having fun with me. He loves teasing me and I hate it.

"I hate you!" I say in a slightly louder voice than the ones we've been whispering.

Evan and I quickly look towards Liam's door to make sure we didn't wake him up. When we think we're good Evan starts whispering to me again.

"You know you could never hate me," he says. I roll my eyes in response as he chuckles. "Go take a shower, I'm sure you need it. And I expect the non-graphic details of your night in the morning," he finishes before he heads back to his room.

"Whatever..." I mumble at his retreating form and head to my own room.

After I close the door behind me I flip on the lights and go to my closet to grab a towel before I head to the bathroom that's attached to my bedroom. After turning on the bathroom light, I put my towel on the rack and start the shower.

I take off my clothes, but before I step in the shower I decide to look in the mirror. Looking at my neck I see that Evan is right, I have a bunch of hickeys trailing from my neck all the way down to my chest.

As I'm looking at all of them a smirk forms on my lips. Mia really did a number on me, but I'm sure she has twice as many hickeys as I do.

I step into the shower and I instantly start to relax as I let the hot water run over my body; I really do need to remember to thank Shannon for dragging me out last night.


Authors Note:

I Know it's a little short, but I'm really excited to post this chapter. From here on is where things start to pick up and get a bit more interesting.

Please vote/comment/follow/share... Am i missing anything?

Any and all feedback I can get is greatly appreciated. This is my first time writing something that isn't academic, so it would really help to know your thoughts. Any feedback you give me will let me know if I'm headed in the right direction and only help me to produce better chapters in the future.

Thanks for reading! :)

Next chapter will be posted on Sunday! So keep a look out.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.

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