Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I head back into my room after I finish taking my shower and quickly towel drying my hair. While walking to the closet I glance at my alarm clock to check the time and I groan when it reads back 6:30 in big red numbers. Just great! I quickly change in to a tank top and some basketball shorts and slip into my bed, getting situated under the covers.

I'm so tired and I know that even if I go to sleep now, I will be lucky to get at most a couple hours of sleep. Lately it seems like I can't ever get enough sleep. Since everything that happened with Adrianna all I want to do is sleep as much as I can at any chance I can get. Maybe that's just my way of coping? Suddenly, I realize that this is the first time I've thought about Adrianna ever since meeting Mia last night.

I seriously do need to thank Shannon. She was right, going out was good for me. Honestly though, I'm not quite sure why I'm surprised she was right. Shannon is almost always right, it's one of the few things I hate about her; I'm truly glad I was able to meet Mia though, she did a really amazing job of distracting me. With a smile on my face I eventually let sleep over take me.


I'm suddenly rudely awoken from my sleep. Not by my alarm clock, but by someone jumping up and down on my bed while screaming. I turn my head opening my eyes just enough to glance at the clock and see that it's 7:35.

I throw my pillow over my head and groan, I only managed to get an hour of sleep. I close my eyes tight and cross my fingers, hoping he will stop jumping on my bed, but knowing it's absolutely no use. I know he won't give up until I get out of bed.

"Mommy, wake up!" he yells as he continues to jump on my bed.

"Mommy doesn't want to get up!" I groan into the pillow. "Mommy wants to sleep." The jumping stops and I find myself hoping I won, but I don't hold my breath.

"But mommy, you promised to take me shopping for kindergarten," he pouts. God, why does he always have to pout? I seriously can't take it when he pouts. He knows it's all he has to do and I'll give into him 9 times out of 10. He's very manipulative for a five year old.

At this point I know I'm never going to win; I know that if it was up to him, I would never sleep again.

I sigh removing the pillow from my head. I look up and see him sitting on the edge of the bed pouting as predicted. Though I can't help but smile and let out small laugh when I notice his bottom lip sticking out. He really knows how to get to me. No matter how much I absolutely don't want to go shopping and just want to sleep, I know I can't ever refuse my little man. He has me oh so whipped!

"Come here!" I say patting the bed next to me. He hesitates for a moment as he continues to pout, but I keep patting the bed and eventually he gives up and lays down next to me. I grab him in my arms and hug him into my chest as I close my eyes.

We lay in silence like this for a few minutes, and I start to think maybe he fell asleep and I might be able to get some more sleep as well. But of course the second I think it, he decides to talk. Just my luck!

"Mommy? Are you sleeping again?" he asks next to me.

"No," I mumble.

"Good!" he says and I just hum as I roll my eyes.

"When are we going to go shopping, mommy?"

"Later," I answer while yawning. I hug him closer to me, kissing the top of his head in the process.

"When later?"

"After you eat breakfast and get dressed," I tell him.

"When will that be?"

I can't help but chuckle at that question. "I don't know, whenever you're finished," I answer.

"But when will I be finished?"

"Around twelve," I tell him, knowing that if I don't give him a time he'll keep asking.

"Oh!" he says and then goes quiet again. It however doesn't last long.

"How much longer until its twelve?"

I sigh while opening my eyes, I really just want to sleep a little longer. I really love him, but I'm too tired to play twenty questions right now. It seems like ever since he learned to talk all he ever does is ask questions. I feel him squirm next to and I start to tickle him hoping it'll put an end to all the damn questions.

"Mommy, stop it!" he demands between his laughter and I can't help but smile at him. After tickling him some more I stop, and when I do I hear a knock at my door. I turn and see Evan standing there.

Help Me! I mouth out to him and he just laughs.

"Liam, I thought I told you to let mommy sleep and I would take you shopping after breakfast," he says coming to my rescue. Seriously, he's the best brother ever.

But of course despite his efforts it's no use. "But I want mommy to take me shopping!" I hear him pouting next to me.

"Mommy promises to take you shopping later. Can I just sleep a little more first?" I pout just like him, sticking out my bottom lip. Which, judging by his laughter, he finds quite funny.

"Come on," Evan says motioning for Liam to get up. "We'll let mommy sleep a little more and then we'll all go shopping later."

Evan must have magical powers of persuasion, because Liam says okay and actually gets up out of my bed and walks out with him. I let out a sigh of relief, I can't believe he did it. Liam usually listens really well, but he has his moments like this one.

"Thank you! You're amazing! Truly the best brother ever, I couldn't have asked for a better twin!" I yell after him and I hear him laugh his way down the hall in response.

I smile and curl back in to my bed, thankful to get some more sleep. But for some reason before sleep overtakes me, I find myself thinking about Mia once again. I wonder if she's awake yet, and did she find my note? I wonder if she will actually call me. Before I finally drift off, I strangely find myself hoping that she will.

Authors Note:
How's everyone's weekend been? I hope good. For me I have a geology midterm on Weds. So I've been spending mine reading about rocks and questioning my note taking skills. Sounds fun huh? You jealous?

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Next chapter will be up Tuesday!

And it's in Mia's POV! So if you want to get to know Mia, make sure to keep an eye out for it.

Thanks for reading! :)

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