Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Mia's POV

Monday never should have happened. I knew it was wrong and an incredible risk, but I couldn't help myself. When she kept moving closer to me I knew perfectly well what she was up to. The rational side of me trying to tell me how wrong it was to be doing this, but it seems that whenever I'm around Avery I lose the ability to control myself. The rational side of me gets drowned out by my desire for her.

She has me so messed up. All she has to do is look at me the way she did on Monday, with pure lust, and it seems I become incapable of rejecting her. And that is nowhere near a good thing, far from it. If I were to let this keep happening I wouldn't only be risking my job, I would also be risking myself emotionally.

I know that all she wants from is sex, that's why I've been trying to keep my distance from her all week. I haven't been ignoring her, I honestly can't anymore, no matter how hard I may try I just can't. It's truly impossible to do so, but even if it were possible I still couldn't. I don't want to ignore her, especially not after last time. Even though I can't ignore her it doesn't mean I haven't been trying to limit my contact with her. I've been trying not to talk to her about anything personal or even be alone with her.

Ultimately though I know trying to stay away from her is absolutely useless, she's always around. She's in my classroom and I'm constantly running into her outside of school, like last night at the Chinese restaurant. Her always being around me makes it impossible to stay clear of her.

Even if I wasn't constantly running into her it still wouldn't mean anything because I can't resist her. No matter what I try to do, it's all completely and utterly useless. The only real reason nothing else has happened to us this week is because she hasn't made another move on me. The second she does try something I know I'll instantly give in. I know what the consequences of getting involved with her are, I'm well aware of all of them, but I'm starting not to care.

Actually I don't really care at all anymore, and that really scares me because I'm willing to risk it all, I am risking it all. My interest in her has gone way past just being fascination and sexual. I'm really falling for her and I don't know why or how, but I do know that even if I pulled out right now, I would still get hurt.

One could argue that it's best to do so right now before I fall further and try to minimize the damage, but I have no intention of doing so, not anymore. I feel willing to be whatever Avery wants me to be, whether she wants me for just sex or not, I just want to be there for her. All she has to do is say the word and I'm almost certain I'll come running, damn the consequences. Like I said I lose all rationality when she's around. She has completely consumed me starting from the day I met her, and lately it just seems like it's never going to stop.

After last night she started to consume me even more, I found myself really looking forward to seeing Avery again today. When she made the comment about how she probably wouldn't have liked me had I been a math teacher, it made me smile. She implied that she likes me, given I know it's not in the way I would like her to, but I now know she likes me at least some way other than just sexually.

The thought makes me really happy and wanting to see her more than usual, but she never showed up for class. At first when the bell rang and she wasn't here I thought she was just running late because Shannon hadn't shown up either. I figured this had to be the case considering they always walk in together, but neither of them ever did come.

By the time the bell to signal the end of class rang I had grown very worried. I even tried calling her, but it went straight to voicemail. By the end of the day I'm a bit of a mess.

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