Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Mia's POV

I don't think I could have ran out of Avery's apartment faster. I can't believe I did that! I wasn't even thinking. Avery has seriously got me messed up mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Literally my every thought has revolved around her lately, and it's really starting to scare me. A lot!

When I get home I just take off my shoes, dump my purse on the ground and crawl into bed. I don't even bother to change, I just want to sleep. I also want to stop think about Avery, but I have a feeling that sleeping won't fix that. I'm sure Avery could easily find her way into my dreams. I sigh as I curl up into the covers, I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have anywhere to be.

As I'm lying in bed, I keep waiting for sleep to overtake me, but it refuses to come. My thoughts keep swimming, and all I can think about is Avery and that look on her face. That look of pure unadulterated pain that made my heart break. I wish she would talk to me so I can help her. I really hated seeing her like that and I don't ever want to again.

After she told me the reasons why she didn't want to talk to me, I understood. But none of that makes me want to know any less, if anything I want to know even more. I want to know so I can help her and I can't do that if she won't talk to me. I understand that she thinks I won't be able to handle whatever it is and I think there is a fair chance she may be right.

However, no matter how horrible I could never look at her the way she described. Maybe that's a little presumptuous, but I know it's true. I know I could never regret wanting to get know her, and I sure as hell would never regret meeting her. I know my life has become even more complicated since she came into it, but I don't regret a second of it. Maybe I should regret some of it, especially the fact that I almost had sex with my eighteen year old student, but I don't.

Eventually, I grow tired enough that sleep manages to overtake me. But that doesn't put an end to my thoughts of Avery because as predicted she's all I can think about even in my dreams.


The next day I finally manage to crawl my way out of bed at around ten, and the first thing I do when I wake up is call Layla. After the events of yesterday I desperately need someone to help me sort through my thoughts. Luckily her ex has Olivia on the weekends so it doesn't take her long to get here.

"So you actually went to her apartment?" she asks.

We have been sitting on my couch talking for over twenty minutes now. I just finished telling her about my conversation with Shannon and I know we aren't even halfway finished yet.


"Did you think that was a good idea?"

"Oh I know that it probably wasn't. But after what Shannon said how could I not? If Avery was really as bad off as she said and there was even the slightest chance of me helping, well I knew I had to do it."

"And was she? Was she as bad as Shannon said?" she asks sounding concerned, and the second she asks, my face drops.

"She was worse, I don't think I've ever seen someone so completely broken before. It broke my heart."

"It broke your heart? Are you in love with her?" she asks with a raised brow.

"No, I like her, a lot!" I clarify. "But I'm not in love with her," I finish and she squeals, making me cringe away from her.

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