Chapter 68

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Chapter 68
Avery's POV

It's over.

Two words, that's all it takes for your entire world to come crashing down around you. Two words is all it takes for your heart to feel like it's been shattered into so many pieces that it would be impossible to put back together again.

Some things are easy to say, others are hard. Sometimes the words you think should be easy are not, and other times the words you think will be difficult are a million times harder than you ever imagined.

Those two words were the hardest thing I have ever had to say. I knew they would be hard before I said them but I never imagined that actually saying them would cause my heart to hurt as much as it did. I never imagined that saying those two words would make me feel like I wanted to die.

"Hey," I hear Adrianna say as she enters my new room and makes her way over to me.

The week after things with Mia ended, we packed up the entire apartment and moved. We didn't go far, just a few floors above our old apartment. It's pretty much the same apartment except it has an extra floor and two extra bedrooms.

After Shannon moved in I looked into getting a larger apartment in the building so she wouldn't have to sleep on the couch anymore. It just so happened that this one finally opened up around the time I broke up with Mia which I guess is a blessing in disguise because my old apartment held way too many memories.

"Hi," I say back as I continue flipping through the movies on Netflix. "Where's Liam?"

"Napping. Here, give me the remote," she says as she sits down next to me. I look at her with a raised brow and she rolls her eyes. "Just give it to me. I know what you like, remember?" she says and I sigh as I pass the remote over to her.

I silently watch her as she starts flipping through the movies. "Are you still mad at me?" I ask and she scoffs.

"What do you think?" she asks as she turns to look at me and I frown.

"Sorry," I say as I slump down in the bed and I hear her sigh.

Adrianna told me all about her encounter with Mia the other night at the club and she was really pissed at me. She was really upset with me for involving her without telling her, but also because I guess it cost her the chance to hook up with a really hot girl.

"Doing what you did was just really uncool. I get you needed to end things with Mia, but dragging me into it wasn't okay," she says and I feel the guilt wash over me.

"I know. I shouldn't have done it but it was the best way I could think to get her to actually realize it was over and for her to leave it alone... And for the record, I never thought you would run into her," I say and she rolls her eyes at me.

"That's the problem, you never think," she says and I chuckle darkly.

"You're right," I say and she just rolls her eyes at me again before looking back at the TV.

She is right. I never really think. I always let my heart win out even when I know better. Maybe if I thought more and felt less, so many horrible things could have been avoided.

A lot could have been avoided.

"What exactly is it that makes you love her?" she suddenly asks out of no where. It seems kind of random but I take a second to think about it anyway.

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