Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Every time the hour hand on the clock in my classroom moves I only grow more nervous, and by the time the final bell rings, indicating the end of school, I'm a complete mess. I can't stop myself from thinking that this is a really bad idea. I really do want to help Avery, but there are countless reasons as to why I shouldn't go over to her apartment. One of the biggest reasons being that she's my student, it's clear that my feelings for her go beyond that of a teacher and that's really not a good thing.

When the last students in my sixth period class file out of the classroom, I let out a breath I had no idea I'd been holding and I start to collect my things before I make my way out of my classroom. The whole way to my car I debate with myself about whether or not I should truly do this, but when I see Shannon walking to her own car I realize that I don't really have a choice.

When Shannon was telling me about Avery, she so looked so terrified. If what's happening with Avery is able to get such a reaction out of her friend, it must be really bad. Though I have no idea how I can actually help if even the people she's closest to can't, but if Shannon really thinks there is even the slightest chance that I can help Avery, then I need to take it.

A little over twenty minutes later I find myself pulling in to the parking garage of Avery's Apartment building, luckily the security guard remembered me so I had no problem getting in. I park my car in one of the spots designated for guests and make my way over to the elevator where I dropped Avery off. When I get closer I see Shannon waiting for me, and the second she sees me walking towards her I see her push the button to signal the elevator.

When it arrives we silently get in and she pushes the button for the twenty-seventh floor, the whole way up we don't even say one word to each other. After what felt like hours we arrive on Avery's floor and Shannon makes her way to the first door on the right while taking out her keys. She unlock the door and holds it open for me, I mumble a small thanks and make my way in. As I walk in and take in my surroundings, my jaw literally drops.

Avery's apartment is absolutely huge. The whole front part of it has an open floor plan and there is a huge hallway with multiple doors in the back. Just front part alone is three times the size of my apartment, which is both an exaggeration and yet not. There is a massive kitchen to my left, a dining table sat not far from it. The living area is to my right and it's equally as massive. There's a giant wrap around couch, a huge flat screen mounted on the wall facing it, and the décor just screams money.

"Avery's room is the third door on the right," Shannon says, finally breaking her seemingly never ending silence.

I give her a nod as I watch her walk towards the massive couch before I make my way down the long hallway. When I finally make it to Avery's door, I wonder if I should knock or just go in. If Avery isn't talking then she can't really give me permission to enter if I even were to knock, but I decide that it's best to be polite and knock anyways.

As expected there is no answer, so I just slowly open the door and see a large dark room. I quickly take in her room the best I can and it's equally as impressive as the rest of the apartment. I notice Avery laying in the bed in the center of the room. Her back is facing the door and she's unmoving, perhaps she's asleep.

"Hey," I say hesitantly, and the second the word leaves my lips I can see Avery noticeably stiffen. She definitely isn't asleep. However, other than her initial reaction to me, she doesn't make a single sound and is laying completely still.

"I know you probably don't want to see me. And I definitely know you don't want to talk to me, but I just wanted to check on you and make sure you're okay," I say while still standing in the doorway.

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