Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I literally can't breathe. This is the last thing I wanted, I would take Kenneth or my father yelling at me, over this any day. This I can't take, this is more than I can handle right now, or ever. All I can seem to do right now is just watch as she slowly makes her way towards me. Even after all the pain she has put me through I can't help but marvel in her beauty.

As she is closing in on me our eyes connect and I can't help but to remember every kind word she ever said to me, every time she said she loved me, and the night I found out those words were more likely than not, a lie. It all comes crashing back to me and I am on the verge of a complete breakdown. I can hear Mia still trying to grab my attention, but I'm too far gone. I can feel myself falling into the darkness and all it took was just seeing her.

Seeing her again makes me realize just how much I still love her, and how much I want that to no longer be true. I still love her so much and it hurts, it really hurts. She was the woman I believed I was going to spend the rest of my life with; the woman who I thought would always love me and would never once do anything to hurt me. But none of that is true anymore. I feel like I should hate her, I have every right to hate her, but I don't. I definitely still love her, and I hate myself for that.

The woman suddenly stops walking towards me when she is stopped by a middle aged couple and I feel myself starting to breathe again. I'm suddenly completely brought back to reality when I feel someone shaking me. "Avery? Avery are you okay?" they say. I look over to see that person is Mia and she looks incredibly concerned. Seeing the look of worry in her eyes is just enough to bring me back to my senses.

"I need to get out of here!" I say quickly, getting up and practically running out of the ballroom. I just make it through the ballroom doors when I feel some one grab my wrist and I stop breathing again.

I turn around slowly to see Mia and I let out the breath I was holding. "Let me go!" I demand while trying to keep my voice from failing me. This is the last place I need to have a breakdown in.

"Avery tell me what's wrong..." she says with her voice full of concern. She looks upset, but I can't think about that right now, I need to leave.

"Let me go!" I demand again, but she doesn't back down.

"I'm not letting go until you talk to me."

"Mia! Let me fucking go!" I practically yell at her and I regret it when a look of hurt crosses her face.

"Avery, you're really scaring me right now... you have the same look in your eyes you had that day we fought... please tell me what's wrong," she says. Her voice falters a little, but not her determination.

"Mia, please let me go..." I beg as I look between her and the doors to the ballroom. I really need to get out of here.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong, I don't ever want to see you like you were that day, ever again," she says. She appears to be holding back tears and it immediately softens me. No matter how hard I try not to, I just keep hurting her.

"Okay... I'll talk to you... just get me out of here," I beg again.

"You promise?" she asks.

"Yes I promise!" I say with no intention to make good on it. "Just get me out of here, please Mia..." I say softly. She finally releases my wrist and I turn to make my way down the hall just as I hear the doors to the ballroom open and I'm suddenly paralyzed.

"Avery!" the woman calls out, but I don't dare move let alone turn around. "Avery, what are you doing here?" she asks. "Avery, don't you ignore me!" she says in a commanding tone and I close my eyes as I attempt to start breathing again. I hear her sigh. "Avery! I really just want to talk to you," she says softly and something in me snaps.

Help Me Pick Up The Pieces {Completed} (GirlXGirl) [TeacherXStudent]Where stories live. Discover now