Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

"Avery Davis. I need to have a word with you," Avery's father says the second he storms into her room.

Avery quickly moves away from me at the sight of her father. I watch as the life drains from her face as she looks at him. She looks completely terrified.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be hosting a party right about now?" she quickly questions and an annoyed and angry look crosses the man's face.

"That party is exactly what we need to talk about. Alone," he says sharply while glancing at me. I suddenly feel the life begin to drain from me as well as he stares me down.

"There is nothing to talk about," Avery says and he turns his eyes back to her.

Once his eyes are off me I release a breath I had no idea I had been holding. This man looks completely different than the man I met earlier tonight. The man I met earlier actually seemed like he could be a caring and loving father, but the man standing before me right this moment could never be considered as such. This man is someone who makes your blood run cold with a single glance.

"You are smart enough to know better than that I'm sure. Now ask your little friend to leave," he says in a tone that leaves absolutely no room for debate.

"Can you please give us a moment," Avery says as she turns to look at me.

"Avery..." I start to say, not wanting to leave her alone with this man, but she gives me an incredibly serious look.

"Mia. Please go now," she says and I can tell from the look in her eyes that questioning her right now would only cause trouble.

"Okay, I will be just outside the door if you need me," I say as I touch her knee. She nods in understanding so I get up and walk around the bed.

I try not to look at her father as I walk around him. I try to keep my head down but I can feel his eyes on me as I walk by. Once I get to the door I look towards Avery once more and she just nods at me, signaling me to continue going so I do. I leave the room, closing the door behind me.

Once the door is closed I take a deep breath and look up to see Evan, Shannon, and Adrianna all staring back at me.

"Is she okay?" Evan quickly asks and I shake my head as I look back at him.

"I don't know. Do you know why your father is here?" I ask and Evan gives me a pained look.

"No. But I don't think I have ever seen him so mad in my life," he says and I feel my heart drop in my chest as panic starts to take over me a little.

"Is she going to be okay in there? Maybe I shouldn't have left her alone. I should go back," I say as worry starts to consume me. I shouldn't have left her after seeing the look in that man's eyes.

"Don't!" I hear Adrianna say the second I start to turn around. I stop and look back at her with a raised brow. "I get that you want to help but there is nothing you can do. If you go in there right now you will only get in the way and make things worse," she says and I see Shannon nodding in agreement.

"As much as I hate agreeing with Adrianna, she is right. There isn't anything we can do right now. If we interfere we will just make matters worse. All we can do right now is wait it out until he leaves. Once he is gone we can go in and help her," she says and I just silently look at her for a second.

On one hand I understand what they are saying holds some truth, especially after the events earlier tonight. But on the other hand, who knows what she could be facing right now. If we have the chance of helping her shouldn't we be doing something?

Help Me Pick Up The Pieces {Completed} (GirlXGirl) [TeacherXStudent]Where stories live. Discover now