Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Avery's POV

"Liam! Slow down!" I yell at the little boy who just ran at a dead sprint through the apartment to his bed room.

"Well he seems happy!" I hear Evan say with amusement in his voice. I put Liam's and I's bags by the door and collapse on the couch next to him.

"That's because he is happy."

"And yet you don't seem to share in his happiness. You seem rather depressed again. What happened?"

"Don't you have any classes today or anything? You're in exactly the same spot where I left you this morning." I'm clearly avoiding his question, but of course as always he refuses to play along.

"I already went to all my classes and I'm done for the day. Now, are you going to tell me what's wrong or should I call Shannon and ask her?"

"Okay, fine!" I groan. "You remember that girl I told you about? The one I met at the club last week."

"The sexy blonde you can't stop thinking about? Who you also have a fuck date with this Friday?"

"That would be the one," I answer with a groan while I throw my head back on the couch.

"What about her?"

"Well apparently she's my history teacher!"

He doesn't answer right away so I turn my head to look at him, and he definitely looks shocked.

"Are you serious?" he finally asks and I nod in confirmation. "Damn! That really sucks!" he says turning the TV back on.

"Yeah it does!" I agree and this conversation seems to end there, and I'm eternally grateful for it. It's always been easier to talk to Evan than Shannon, he doesn't push me nearly, if at all, as much as she does.

After a few minutes of staring at the TV, I tell him that Liam and I were going out to eat pizza for dinner around five. I ask him if he wants to join and he gives me a simple 'sure' and I give him a nod in acknowledgement then excuse myself and head to my room.

I collapse on my bed and just stare at the ceiling for I don't know how long, 'til my phone starts going off. I pull it out of my pocket assuming its Shannon and when I check, my suspicions are correct, because it's always Shannon. I let out a sigh, press ignore then throw my phone on the bed next to me and continue to stare at the ceiling. My phone ends up going off three more times before I finally decide to just turn it off.

All day I've been thinking about everything that happened this morning and I still can't understand it. Just the other day I desperately wanted to be with Mia again. When she called me to make plans that desperation turned into excitement. I really wanted to see her again and Friday seemed like a ways off.

When I ran into her this morning at Liam's school and seeing the way she reacted to him, well it made me happy and even more excited to see her again. But of course less than an hour later it all went to shit, just like everything in my life always does.


An hour later I'm still laying on my bed in the exact same position when I hear my bedroom door open and lightly slam shut. I close my eyes and sigh not bothering to look up, knowing perfectly well who it is. "I thought you said you couldn't come 'til after five?" I groan.

"Yeah well that was before you ignored my calls and turned off your damn phone," she says and I feel the bed dip next to me as she sits down.

"Sorry..." I mumble and we fall into a peaceful silence for a while.

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