Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The class feels like it's going to drag on forever. I swear every time I look at the clock time manages to slow down, I just want to get out of here. This is awkward as all hell. Every now and then my gaze will meet Mia's and she will quickly look away so fast that I'm afraid she may get whiplash. It also doesn't help to have Shannon pretty much continuously staring at me.

I'm silently begging for the bell to ring. When it finally does after what feels like hours I let out a huge sigh of relief, grab my bag and practically run towards the door. I almost make it too, but of course with my luck I should really know better.

"Ms. Davis, please stay after class for a minute," I hear her call out and immediately stop where I am.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I really don't want to do this now... or ever.

I start to move towards her desk at the front of the classroom, and out of the corner of my eye I see Shannon just about to leave, but of course not before smirking and giving me a knowing look. Double fuck! Shannon was already annoying me to no end and now it's going to get A LOT worse. This is just great all around!

I take a seat on top of the desk that is directly in front of hers, and I watch as she silently gets up and shuts the door before sitting back down. She puts her head in her hands and we sit in silence, which is more than fine with me.

No matter how you spin it, I'm pretty sure the conversation we are going to have won't turn out good for either of us. There is one thing I'm definitely sure about though, the only place I'll be seeing her on Friday is here in my first period class.

"If neither of us is going to say anything, I think I should go. I don't want to be late for my next class...." I say breaking the silence. My talking must have brought her back to reality because she picks up her head and looks at me.

"Please! Please, tell me you're eighteen and that I didn't sleep with a minor last week?" she says finally speaking.

"Yes, I'm eighteen," I confirm and hear her let out a big sigh of relief.

"Thank god!" she says while leaning back in her chair.

"Are we done now?" I ask just really wanting to leave. This couldn't get any more awkward, well it probably could, but I don't want to stick around to find out.

"Not quite yet!" she says, causing me to sigh. "I'm pretty sure it's already obvious, but I feel I still need to say it," she says looking directly at me now. "You know you can't tell anybody about what happened between us, right?"

"I'm well aware," I say and she looks relieved. "If it makes you feel better, what we did wasn't illegal. I'm not a minor and you weren't my teacher at the time."

"That does make me feel better," she says while looking me in the eye. "But either way if what we did gets out, it won't be good for me. At all."

"I get it, my lips are sealed. And might I add that when I met you, you did not look old enough to be a teacher, like at all. I was thinking that you couldn't be any older than twenty-two," I say and see her smirk. "How old are you really?" I ask.

"I'm twenty-six," she tells me and I nod. That's eight years. The age gap between us is eight years, twice the gap that was between me and Adrianna. I'm quickly brought out of my thoughts when she starts to speak again.

"Clearly I also didn't do a good job at estimating your age either," she says and I can't help but smile at that. It's quite obvious we both suck at guessing peoples age. "I mean, you sure as hell didn't look young enough to be eighteen. And after this morning I was beginning to think you were older than I originally thought...." she trails off, probably realizing what she was saying when my smile turns into a frown.

"Err, yeah... Well now that this is settled I should get going," I say getting up and I see her give a slight nod. I start heading towards the door and just as I reach it I decide to turn around, I don't want to leave on such a depressing note. So, I direct my attention to her one last time.

"Soo," I start, to get her attention back to me. "I take it that are plans for Friday are now non-existent?" I ask leaning against the door with a big smirk on my face.

"Uh, yeah! I'm pretty sure that much was obvious," she says and I nod in understanding.

"That really is a shame. I was honestly looking forward to having the opportunity to taste you again," I say with a wink and quickly leave before she can respond.

When I'm outside the classroom I lean against the lockers and take a couple deep breaths. I seriously can't fucking believe this is happening. Why do things always turn out this way for me?! I was able to find someone who for once could get me to stop thinking about Adrianna and then this fucking happens. Why did she have to be my damn teacher?

I sigh and look at the clock in the hall, and I realize I should get to what's left of my second period class, but as I'm walking down the hall it occurs to me that I still have deal with Shannon.

"Just fucking great!" I groan to myself.

I think about just leaving so I don't have to deal with her. Everyone knows that there never is anything to miss on the first day of school anyways, but I know it honestly doesn't matter. I'm going to have to deal with her at some point today because god knows she'll find me no matter where I go.

Fuck! She's really not going to leave me alone until she manages to get every last detail out of me. I'm beginning to think it's her own personal mission to annoy me to death.


I am, by some miracle, able to fend Shannon of for the rest of the day. I told her we really couldn't talk about it at school and she eventually laid off me, but that only bought me a few hours. She's coming over later tonight so we can 'talk'. To say I'm not looking forward to it would be an understatement.

I'd just picked up Liam from school and was driving home now, and luckily I didn't see Mia or Layla, I don't think I could take it if I had.

Liam is in the backseat going on and on about his day at kindergarten, and I feel really bad because I'm only half listening to him. After everything that's happened today I haven't been able to focus at all, my head just keeps spinning.

"... and, and my teacher liked my drawing so much she put it on the wall," I hear him finish happily just as I was pulling into the parking garage.

"That's great little man!" I say turning to smile at him after I turn off the car.

"Tell you what, how about for dinner we go out and eat pizza, to celebrate such a successful first day?" I ask and I see a big smile appear on his face.

He cheers as he jumps out of the car and runs to the elevator. I grab our bags and chase after him while laughing at his excitement.

This is great, I just bought myself a couple more hours 'til I have to deal with Shannon. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stall long enough that I won't have to deal with her at all today. Just as soon as the elevator reaches our floor I realize how stupid that thought is. Knowing Shannon, she's going to get me to talk to her by any means necessary.


Authors Note:

I kind of hate how cliche and predictable the first so many chapters of this book are. But with a genre like this it's kind of impossible to stay away from them. :/

Okay, so thoughts? Anybody? Whatever you say I can take it. I swear you won't hurt my feelings..... Well not unless you're deliberately mean :(.

Please vote/comment/do a jig/share/follow or not, it's up to you. Because once again I'm not the boss of you and I can't force you to show whether or not you care....

Seeing as I can't think of anything else to say that will most likely only annoy you again, I guess I'll just leave off here.

Next chapter will be posted on Friday! Thank you for reading, and I hope everyone is having a good day! :)

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