Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Mia's POV

Avery, as well as Shannon, never came to school the Friday after I went to visit her. I was a little worried, but I knew Avery wasn't too bad off. She clearly wasn't okay, but she was nowhere near the condition she was in the other week, and I guess that's a real good thing.

I'm still processing everything that happened that night. Everything Avery told me about her father, well I honestly don't want to believe it. How could a father hate his child? Especially someone like Avery. And what could he have possibly said to her to get her that upset? I mean she threw her phone at a wall and then punched it, it must have been something really horrible to get her to react like that. Did he really only just call with the intention of hurting her like that?

It really does seem like the more I learn about Avery, the more questions I have. Unfortunately, I feel like her father is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm really starting to believe Avery has never once had an easy life, and that thought really gets to me. This alone is enough to really scar someone and the thought of Avery having had endured more than this is incredibly heartbreaking. I'm honestly impressed that she is still capable of smiling at all.

I was really hoping Avery would come back to school the following Monday looking better than she had. She did end up coming back, but she definitely didn't seem all that much better. I've been wanting to see how she's doing, but she ignored me that whole week and it even carried over into the next as well.
I don't know what happened that would cause her to ignore me for over a week and a half.

I keep wondering if the reason is because of what happened between us the other week. Obviously being walked in on like that was not the highlight of my day or even life, it was all incredibly awkward and that dinner did not help. However, I don't regret it, but does Avery? Is that why she's been ignoring me?

I've been running through everything I think it could possibly be in my head, and the worse thought that crossed my mind was, what if Avery finally decided she got what she wanted from me and I was no longer any use to her. I know all she wants from me is sex, I'm still pretty convinced about that, but I don't think Avery is the type of person to play with someone and then just completely throw them away when she's done with them.

I want to think that I know enough about Avery that she would never do anything like that. I can tell she really values her relationships with people, and I honestly don't think she would just screw someone over like that. Avery may seem a bit cold and closed off at times, but it's clear that she really cares about people. I really don't think she would do this without some other reason, but I have been wrong about people in the past.

I just really wish she would talk to me so I could get to the bottom of this, but she absolutely refuses to do so. I tried to get her to stay after class on Monday, but she just ignored me and walked right out of the classroom. I suppose I could threaten her with a detention, but that wouldn't be right for quite a few reasons.

I wonder if I can get Shannon to tell me if Avery is okay. She obviously worries about her, and she came to me the last time Avery wasn't doing well, so maybe she will tell me. I can't think of any other way, so I guess it's worth a shot.

"Ms. Emerson, will you see me after class for a minute," I call out to her when she and Avery pass by my desk at the end of class. Avery looks at her friend with a questioning look, who just shrugs her shoulders in response. They whisper something to each other and then Avery leaves. Shannon shuts the door behind her and then heads toward me.

"Is there something I can help you with Ms. Jacobs?" she asks, when she stops a few feet away from my desk.

"First, I would just like to say how happy I was to see that Avery didn't kill you," I joke and she laughs.

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