Chapter 59.5

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Chapter 59.5

"Mia, can I speak to you alone for a moment," my mother asks. I feel my heart rate start to pick up a little as my mother quickly glances at Avery before looking back at me.

"Okay," I say to my mother before turning to Avery. "Wait for me up in my room. I'll be there in a minute," I tell her and she gives me a small smile.

"Alright," she says before turning to my mother. "Good night, Isabel. Thank you so much for having us," she says with a bright smile and my mother smiles back at her.

"Of course, dear. Thank you for joining us," my mom says and Avery's smile grows as does mine. "Good night and sleep well."

"You as well," Avery says and gives me one last look before heading up stairs. When Avery is no longer in sight, I follow behind my mother into the kitchen.

"So," my mom starts as she goes to sit at the small table in the corner of the kitchen near the window. "Avery, seems like a wonderful girl," she says. I smile and Sit at the table across from her as I release a breath I was holding in.

"She really is," I say and my mom smiles back at me.

"I have to ask," she says as she moves in her seat a little. "Was she serious earlier about buying you a car?"

"Oh, yeah!" I say with a small laugh. "She was very serious and it wasn't the first time she's offered. She actually has also offered to pay off my remaining college loan debt, but I wouldn't ever let her do that," I say and my mom laughs a little as well.

"She really wants to spoil you, doesn't she?"

"She takes real good care of me. I refuse to let her buy me any more than dinner, but she honestly does spoil me in so many other ways," I say with a big smile on my face and my mom smiles as well.

Avery really does take good care of me, in a way she always has, or at least she tried too in her own way. But ever since we became official, it's been amazing, Avery is amazing. She's so attentive to my every need, I've honestly never felt so loved before.

"So how old is she?" my mom suddenly asks. Her face looks really serious all of a sudden and I stop breathing for a second.

"What?" I say like I have no idea what she's getting at and she sighs.

"You never told me how old she is and I think I'm starting to understand why," she says.

"Does it matter?" I ask and she sighs again and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Yes it matters. It matters when my daughter is doing something that could ruin her life."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lie and she rolls her at me.

"Don't lie to me Mia! I raised two daughters, I know what a teenage girl looks like. Given, she is definitely more mature than you and your sister were, it's still quite obvious that she's a teenager," she says and I sigh in defeat. I knew my mother would figure it out eventually, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly.

"Can we not do this? I really don't want to," I say and she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again.

"So I'm definitely right?" she asks and I slowly nod my head. "Please tell me you aren't stupid enough to sleep with a minor!"

"She's not a minor, she's eighteen," I tell her and she breathes a sigh of relief. I start to think I'm in the clear until my mother's face turns serious again.

"But she is your student, right?" she asks and I slowly nod my head. I don't know why I ever thought I could hide something like this from my mother.

"Yes," I confirm and my mother leans back in her chair and just looks at me for a second like she has no idea what to do with me. I shrink down in my chair a little. Right now I feel like a child who just got caught trying to hide something they broke, but this is so much worse. A million times worse.

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