two; rose

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"So, Sarah attacks Tyler, and he pushes her away," Caroline tells Damon and Adelaide as she rushes around her room, getting ready for school.

"And she tripped, and she fell, and she hit her head." Caroline finishes.

"Does this Matt remember anything?" Adelaide asks.

"Mm, he thinks he blacked out." Carolina says. "But I think— I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident."

"Yeah, I don't understand that. The guy's a tool." Damon says.

"Well, gee, duh." Caroline says as she puts on her shoe. "Tyler getting blamed for Sarah's death. Just opens up questions that he can't answer. And do you really think it's a good idea for him to tell his mom he's a werewolf?"

"Well, no." Adelaide says.

"And that werewolf road leads straight to vampire boulevard. I thought I was thinking fast on my feet." Caroline says.

"Where's your mom?" Damon asks.

"Leading the search party for Aimee Bradley. They haven't found her body yet." Caroline fixes her hair in the mirror.

"Oh, teens today and their underage drinking." Adelaide rolls her eyes.

"Tragic." Damon glances at his sister then back at Caroline. "Wait, did you see Tyler's eyes turn yellow?"

"More gold with amber highlights." Caroline replies. Damon and Adelaide groan.

"Can he turn into a wolf now?" Caroline asks.

"Only on a full moon," Adelaide says. "But now he has increases strength and who knows what else."

"I wonder how much Mason told him." Damon wonders. "Does he know about us?"

"Hey, Barbie," Adelaide snaps her fingers. "What'd you tell him?"

"Nothing, really." She replies. "I-I don't think he knows much of anything. He seemed really freaked out, and honestly— I felt kinda bad for him."

Caroline walks past them and heads toward the door. Adelaide uses her vampire speed and blocks the door.

"He's gotta know something." She hisses.

"Alright, I'll ask him." She looks between the two Salvatore siblings.

Damon speeds in front of Caroline and scowls. "No, you won't, Caroline. He cannot know about us."

"A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire, love. So don't be his friend." Adelaide says. "Do you understand me?"

"I understand." Caroline nods. "I'm late for school."

"Right." Damon pats her shoulder and opens the door.

"If you want to drop the hint to your mom that Aimee's body is at the bottom of the ravine with a cracked spine, it might save your mom some time." Adelaide smirked.

1. | ADELAIDE SALVATORE [KLAUS MIKAELSON]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt