eleven; the last day

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ADELAIDE woke up the next day in a hotel. She had dried blood on her clothes and mouth. She didn't bother cleaning up, she just went straight to sleep once her head hit her pillow. Adelaide put her over head and quickly scrambled into the car and drove to the boarding house.

She walked in only to find Stefan, Elena, Damon, and Elijah in the main room. Elena gasped at the sight of dried blood on the sides of her mouth. "Adelaide, what happened?"

"Where the hell have you been?" Damon demanded. "I got a call from Liz that there was three bodies drained of blood by the Wickery Bridge."

"That was you?" Elena's eyes went wide.

"Yes it was me." Adelaide rolled her eyes, completely done with Elena.

"You can't just go around killing people." Stefan said.

"Shut up. All of you." Adelaide snapped. "You're lucky it's just three bodies. I could've taken down this whole town but that'd be a total Stefan move right there."

"What is she talking about?" Elena asked Stefan. Stefan didn't answer,
he just glared at Adelaide as she smirked.

"Don't mind me. I'll be in my room." Adelaide smirked at Elena before waking up to her room.

"GET OUT!" Adelaide heard a feminine voice scream.

She rushed out of her room to see Jenna pointing a cross bow at Alaric. "Jenna, put the cross-bow down, ok? It's me."

"Stay away from me." Jenna said.

"What's going on?" Elena asked as she, Stefan, and Damon walk towards them.

"It's me, Elena, I swear, okay?" Alaric pleaded. "He let me go. Klaus let me go."

"Prove it." Adelaide said.

He looked at Jenna. "Okay, uh, the first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in right when I was about to—"

"Okay, it's him." Jenna cut him off.

The Salvatore's raised their eyebrows at each other before getting back onto the subject. "Why did he let you go?"

"He wanted me to deliver a message." Alaric looked at Elena in sympathy. "The sacrifice happens tonight."

"So you don't remember anything that happened?" Stefan asked Alaric. Everyone had moved into the main room to question Alaric about the past few days.

"No. It's like I blacked out and woke up 3 days later." Alaric said. "Katherine was there."

"She under compulsion. Damon snuck her some vervain, but she can't leave until Klaus tell her sh can." Stefan replied.

"Where is Damon?" Elena asked.

"I saw him go upstairs." Adelaide said.

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