thirty-one; do not go gentle

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  "I-I can't ask Stefan on a date. I just made out with his brother." Adelaide heard Elena tell Caroline.

  "All the more reason why I should kill you but I won't. If Damon and Stefan want to get hurt by yet another scrawny Petrova doppelgänger, then why stop them." Adelaide shrugged coming next to Caroline. There was a dance at the school that everyone was preparing for and Adelaide thought it might be fun to stop by and torture whoever was there.

  "Um, Adelaide what're you doing here?" Elena asked, glancing around wearily.

  "I'm bored." Adelaide replied back simply. "Rebekah's gone rouge, and Klaus is dealing with some business with his annoying hybrids."

  "I'm surprised you're not with him having a hybrid tea party." Caroline muttered under her breath but of course Adelaide heard it.

  "Well, if there's having a hybrid party, Caroline, I might as well bring your boyfriend along with me so that he could explain to Klaus how he broke the sire bond." Adelaide smirked at Caroline as her head snapped up with wide eyes.

  "What?! No!" She shrieked. Suddenly Tyler, Jeremy, and Matt come out of nowhere standing beside Caroline.

  "Is there a problem?" Tyler asked in a tough boy stance in front of Caroline.

  "Oh, everything's fine. Just having a friendly chat with your girlfriend over here." Adelaide smiled wickedly. They all glanced at each other weirdly before Adelaide turned her heal and left.


  "My love?" Adelaide called out walking into the Mikaelson mansion. Suddenly she was swooped off her feet before she felt herself being thrown onto something soft and bouncy. She glanced around the area she was now in. It happened to be her and a Klaus' shared bedroom. She sat up   to see Klaus smirking at her from the end of the bed.

  "Have fun patronizing the Scooby Gang of Mystic Falls this morning, my love?" Klaus question, his smirk only growing wider.

  Adelaide sat herself up, resting against her elbows, "Not quite. There's a decade dance at the school. I want to go. Rebekah wants us to go too."

"And why is that? I thought you hated dancing." Klaus tilted his head.

  "I don't hate dancing. I just have a strong dislike for it. But this is the twenty's decade dance. I happen to love the twenty's." Adelaide smirked.


Adelaide's giggles rang through the hybrids ear, him fawning over it. He watched as she danced her heart out with his older brother. Her long, white sparkly dress flashed as the lights shined down on her.

A jazz band member walked off the stage, playing his bari sax like he's never played before. The young vampire danced around him. Everyone gathered around the dance floor, clapping to the beat of the music.

The dirty blonde hybrid watched with a very rare smile as the dress rings on her dress flew out when she shimmied. All the other women joined in, the men started whistling as they watched the women dance.

As the song ended, the dances slowly stopped making the crowd of men boo, yet cheer. They booed seeing as they no longer could watch the women shake what the good lord gave them but yet cheered at the for the fun, dance, and the jazz.

"You dance quiet well, love," Adelaide shivered feeling his hot breath fanning over her ear. She didn't even need to turn to look at who it was. There was only person in this whole world that has called her "love." And in pretty sure you all know who that person was...

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