six; the descent

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ADELAIDE woke up to the sound of someone coughing very hardly. She flashes into Stefan's room to see him on the floor. She walks up to him and rubs his back. "Stefan, you okay?"

"Yeah." He groans.

"What happened?" Adelaide asks.

"Katherine said she drinks vervain and she's immune to it so I thought Stefan could try it." Elena says. Adelaide nods and downs the drink Stefan drank without coughing.

"You drink vervain?" Stefan asks.

"Have been for years now." Adelaide smirks.

"How can Elijah compel another vampire?" Elena asks.

"He's an original." Adelaide says.

"I don't really know what that means. I don't think anybody really know las what that means." He scoffs.

Elena looked towards Adelaide who was sitting on Stefan's bed. Adelaide glared at her silently telling her if she tells him, she'll kill her. Elena quickly looks away.

"Well, except maybe Isabel." Stefan finishes. "I'll be sure to ask her."

Stefan kisses Elena before she can protest. Adelaide face scrunches up in disgust. "That's disgusting."

Adelaide walked downstairs after changing into some decent clothes. She saw Damon walk into a library. She silently followed after him and leaned against the door as him and Rose talked. "I was born in 1450. That makes me 560 years old."

"If you were a bottle of wine–"

"So I can die." Rose cut him off. "I've lived long enough."

"You know, if your going to be maudlin, I'm just gonna kill you myself." Damon pours blood into a glass for Rose. "Just to put me out of your misery. Come on, it's just a little werewolf bite."

"Just a little fatal to a vampire werewolf bite." Adelaide said.

"Well, according to legend, which is a notoriously unreliable source— drink up." He hands her the glass of blood. "Blood heals."

"Unfortunately, not that type of blood." Adelaide mutters.

"What?" Damon looks at her in confusion.

"Nothing." Adelaide sighs. "I'm hungry. I'm gonna go fetch my lunch."

Adelaide was too tried to drive so flashed to the girl without anyone noticing. She hid in an alley way for someone to come by. She heard footsteps and she immediately flashed in front of the person.

"Don't scream, don't run, and most of all, don't talk." Adelaide compelled. They nodded and Adelaide sunk her fangs into the persons neck. Soon enough, the body went limp in her arms and Adelaide knew the boy she had sunk her fangs into was dead. She let the body drop on the floor and she smirked.

"You're gonna just leave the body there?" A muscular voice behind her said.

"No, I was gonna be a good vampire and hide the body." She turned around. "Hello, Elijah."

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