eight; know thy enemy

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ADELAIDE groaned as she woke up. Her body was weak. Parts of her body were tingly from all the bullets and vervain being shot at her. She tried to stand up on her own but her knees buckled up under her and she fell straight to the floor. She heard footsteps coming towards her room and walked in was a woman with blonde, short hair.

 She heard footsteps coming towards her room and walked in was a woman with blonde, short hair

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"You're awake." She happily said, a blood bag in her hand.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Adelaide said, her voice weak.

"Adelaide this is Andie, my girlfriend." Damon walked in. "Andie, this is my sister, Adelaide."

"She's your girlfriend?" Adelaide quirked an eyebrow. Damon nodded. "Last time I check, you didn't have a girlfriend. And if you did, you wouldn't have told her we were vampire and considering she walked in here with a blood bag in her hand she's not your girlfriend. She's compelled and she's your own personal blood bag."

Damon rolled his eyes. He turned his back to Andie and put his fingers to his lips, smirking at Adelaide.

"What happened?" Adelaide said as she tried to stand up.

"You were shot multiple times by werewolves. Also, while you were unconscious, the werewolves came back and tortured me and hung up the wall." Damon shrugged and helped her to her bed.

"I'm going to slaughter those werewolves." Adelaide muttered.

"Good news, Elijah did the job for you." Damon smirked and handed Adelaide a blood bag.

"Thanks." She chugged down the blood bag and she instantly gained her strength.

"How long have I been out?" Adelaide asked.

"Three day." Andie replied.

"Three days?!" Adelaide's eyes widened.

"Yup, and it's been a long three days." Damon said. "I'll tell you later but for now, you need to get dressed. We have things to do."

After showering, Adelaide changed into some decent clothes. She quickly did her make up and rushed downstairs, into the basement and grabbed another blood bag before walking back upstairs.

"She just showed up at their front doorstep." She heard Stefan say and he and Damon rushed down the stairs.

"What's she doing here?" Damon asked.

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