twenty-two; homecoming

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ADELAIDE sat on the couch in the boarding house as Stefan called Klaus. Mikael ended up showing himself to Stefan and Damon at a bar, nearing ripping out Damon's heart. And doing so, got Stefan to lure Klaus back to Mystic Falls so that Mikael can kill him.

"Portland is fantastic once you can get over the whiney music and healthy looking people. It's literally a breeding ground for werewolves." Klaus said into the phone.

"You're fathers dead." Stefan said blankly.

"What did you say to me?"Klaus growled.

"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father, and not dead. Mikael. Daggered." Stefan said. "What do you want me to do with the body?"

"Well, first, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened." Klaus said.

"Mikael followed Elena into the boarding house and tried to grab her and use her as bait. Me and Damon vervained him and in the process, Elena grabbed the dagger from his jacket, which he was going to use on Rebekah, and she drove it through his heart." Stefan explained.

"I want to see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself." Klaus said.

"Well, he's here. Come by whenever." Stefan said.

"If you're lying to me, Stefan, you're compulsion will expose you. So answer with your life. Is what you're saying the truth?" Klaus growled.

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes." Stefan replied.

"I want to talk to Rebekah." Klaus said.

"Well, that's not a problem. She's right here." Stefan said before handing Rebekah his phone.

"Hello, Nik." Rebekah greeted.

"Rebekah, love. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger?" Klaus asked.

"It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good." Rebekah replied. "I miss you. I'm miserable here."

Adelaide threw her hands up, glaring at Rebekah. They had fun together and she even said it to Adelaide. Rebekah smirked at Adelaide's annoyed expression.

"I'll be home soon."

"I'll see you soon then, brother." Rebekah said before hanging up. "He bought it. He's coming home."

"Now, was that easy or what?" Damon asked.

"That was too bloody easy." Adelaide muttered to herself but Damon and Stefan heard.

"What do you mean?" Damon asked.

"I mean it's too easy. Somethings gonna go wrong. I know it." Adelaide said before walking away.

The next night, Adelaide walked into the boarding house wearing a burgundy, skin tight dress that went lower than mid thigh with some nude heels. Half of her hair was pinned back with a white flower pin.

"Rebekah?" Adelaide called out. She walked a little forward until her foot hit something. Or importantly, someone.

She gasped, seeing Rebekah daggered on the floor. Her blood boil with anger as she knew who was responsible for this. "Elena."

Adelaide walked up to the school and saw that water was flowing out of the gym. She spotted Caroline and Tyler and walked up to them.

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