twenty-three; the new deal

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ADELAIDE hummed to Etta James as she rummaged through someone's fridge. She woke up in the middle of the night, wide awake. She ended up walking to a random house, killing the owner of the house before entering. Then there was a girl in her early twenties crying in the corner. Adelaide frowned at her.

"Are you sure you don't had any Oreos?" She asked the crying girl.

"Are you going to kill me?" She whimpered.

"I don't know, do you have any Oreos?" She repeated impatiently.

"Y-you killed him." She wailed, the sound of her sobs increasing.

"For the love of God," Adelaide muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Look, if you answer my question, I promise I'll let you live. Now think carefully. Do you you have any Oreos?"

"N-no," She replied as she shook her head quickly.

Adelaide let out a loud groan and dropped her head back.

"What kind of person doesn't have Oreos?" She asked incredulously. "You suck."

"What are you?" She whispered.

Adelaide gave the girl a flat look. "A unicorn. What do you think, dumbass?" She flashed her fangs at the girl. She cowered into the wall more. "I'm a vampire, duh."

"I-I-I won't tell anyone!" She pleaded. "You've already killed him, you don't need me too."

Adelaide paused. "Are you calling me fat?"

"W-what no! Please don't kill me." She pleaded.

"What makes you think I'd do that?" She frowned. The girl's eyes flickered to the dead body a few feet from her. Adelaide sighed. "Oh, right. Sorry, not sorry."

Adelaide leaned down next to her, placing her hands on the wall on both sides of her face. "I can smell the blood coming from your neck. I want to drink it. And it's just a matter of time till your dead."

"But you promised." She whimpered.

"Damn it." Adelaide muttered. She sighed and looked at the scared girl in front of her and compelled her. "When I step foot out of your house, remember nothing."

The girl nodded. Adelaide stood up and walked out. Seconds later she heard the girl inside started to scream and cry for help. Adelaide smirked before flashing away.

Adelaide was in a bad mood, suddenly. She was just so angry that's she wanted to kill anyone around her. Look at her, get killed. Touch her, get killed. Breath around her too hard, get killed. The littlest things just set her off. She decided that she would head towards the boarding house to steal some of Damon's bourbon since she ran out of hers. She stalked through the doors, only to find that people had occupied the living room, making it hard for her to steal the bourbon.

Apparently the book club had moved to Sunday's. Alaric, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy and Damon were all on the midst of a conversation but Adelaide's entrance made them seize their talking and look towards her.

1. | ADELAIDE SALVATORE [KLAUS MIKAELSON]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt