twenty-four; our town

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ADELAIDE walked into the witch house basement seeing Stefan there with his usual blank expression. She rolled her eyes at him, annoyed that he hasn't even step foot outside the house.

"What's going on, little brother?" Adelaide asked with a smirk.

"Bonnie told Elena that I was hiding here," Stefan simply replied.

Adelaide groaned. "What the bloody hell is wrong with her?"

Stefan shrugged. Adelaide huffed already completely done with Stefan blank statements. She flashed out of the house and walked to the Grill. She walked in and immediately was greeted by Caroline.

"What do you want with me, Barbie?" Adelaide asked annoyed.

"You look upset and I wanted to come and keep you company." Caroline said nervously.

"I'm not upset. I'm extremely annoyed with everyone so if I were you, I'd leave me the hell alone before I rip your head off." Adelaide replied sweetly to Caroline before walking to the farthest table in The Grill after taking a whole bottle of Jack Daniels from behind the counter.

"A little birdie told me you teamed up with Stefan," Someone said behind Adelaide. She turned around scowling at the person. That person being Damon.

"First of all, I don't speak bird so if I had something to say you would know. So tweet-tweet that bitch." Adelaide snapped. She looked behind him seeing Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline. "Do you always hang out with Judgy, Needy and Barbie?"

"Are you working with Stefan or not?" Elena asked.

"Absolutely, Needy." Elena glared.

"You and Stefan need to give back his family or else Klaus will start to drop bodies around here." Damon said angrily with his eyes narrowed on his little sister.

"He won't try anything. I know that for a fact," Adelaide claimed.

"This is Klaus though," He scowled. "He's not going to back off unless you give him the coffins."

"Well, big brother, looks like you have yet another problem to deal with." Adelaide smirked.

Bonnie narrowed her eyes at Adelaide. "You're willing to let people die over some petty feud you have with Klaus?"

"Duh," Adelaide scoffed. "I honestly couldn't give a rats ass if anything happened to you. Well, I would probably care if something happened with Caroline but who knows. I mean, we could be living a normal peaceful life if little Miss Needy over here was dead. But no, she too fucking precious, huh?"

"You can't do this," Bonnie growled.

"Oh I can, and I will." Adelaide chuckled taking a sip of the Jack Daniels bottle. Suddenly, Adelaide felt a little stinging in her head and she knew Bonnie was trying to preform an aneurysm spell on her. "If you're trying to give me that little headache spell — it's not working, sweetheart. I've dealt with stronger witches that has given me a more meaning aneurysm so yours just feels like a pinch to the arm."

Before any of them could say anything, Adelaide grabbed some red head girl that walked by them, gripping her neck. She plunged her hand in the girls back, grabbing her spine. The girl gasped as she was too shocked to do anything. Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline looked at Adelaide in horror while Damon glared.

"Paralyzed from the waist down," Adelaide informed them. She twisted her spine, watching the girl go limp in her arms. "And dead." She smiled before pushing the girl into Damon's arms making it look like she was embracing the red head.

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