thirty-three; the departed

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She wasn't the same anymore. She couldn't function. She felt as if she was walking around without her heart. All she could see was black and white, sometimes even red. As cheesy as it sounds, she lost her everything. Klaus was her everything. It was weird. The two were bad ass, emotionless hybrids but when it came to them together, it was the whole opposite.

Neither of them thought it was possible but they felt it. They felt as if they were human again when they were together. The two had an unbreakable bond. Sure Klaus said some things before their departure, sure Adelaide made his life hell after that day, but they were unbreakable. Even through death. They just don't know.

The thoughts of Klaus not living in her life killed her. But he wasn't dead. No matter how much shit Niklaus Mikaelson goes through, he still manages to make it out alive. But none of that seemed to register in Adelaide's mind. Her wolf couldn't understand. Her wolf wanted to be with his. Adelaide always smiled when her wolf inside of her jumped around yelping when Klaus came into view. Same goes with Klaus.

But now, she's hurt. Adelaide's wolf is hurt and so is she. Her wolf continues to howl in pain when she's not whimpering softly. It killed Adelaide to see/feel how hurt her wolf was. But it wasn't just that.  Something else was happening. Adelaide felt weaker than ever. She felt like Elena, weak and human. She hated it. As every minute past, she slowly weakens and her skin turned grey. As if she was desiccating. And it all had to do with Klaus.

She couldn't sleep. She stayed up all night watching her skin turn grey. By now, her lower body was basically dedicated, her veins popped out turning a dark purple and blue. She could barley even walk. She felt like an eighty year old women trying to get around the house. It hurt. And soon enough, she'd be in coma like Klaus when her body fully dedicates.

As of now, she stumbling down a dark empty road looking for food— real food. An old Salvatore trick they used to get food. As Adelaide continued to walk in the middle of the street, a cars headlights came into view. Adelaide began to walk in front of it, flailing her arms around as if she needed help. The car slowly came into stop making Adelaide smirk slightly.

The driver and the passenger opened their doors, climbing out of their car. Adelaide was about ready to attack but stopped upon seeing who was standing in front of her...

"Elijah? Rebekah?"

The blonde vampire rushed towards Adelaide, her eyes widened when she saw the dark purple bags under her eyes, her very pale skin. "Bloody hell, what happened to you?"

"They did something to Nik." Adelaide breathed out, leaning into Rebekah seeing as she couldn't keep herself up any longer. "It's happening to me now."

"We know. That's why we're here." Elijah butted in. He wrapped an arm behind Adelaide's back and the other under her knees, carrying her to the backseat of his car, laying her down. Rebekah and Elijah returned back into their seats and drove back to the Mikaelson mansion. The blonde Mikaelson helped Adelaide out of the car and back into the mansion. Adelaide fell back on the couch, sighing feeling the soft cushion under her aching body. Elijah appeared next to her with a blood bag or two. He forced the top of the now open bag to her lips.

Adelaide's eyes darkened and the dark veins reached under her eyes and she drained the blood from the bag. As she pulled the bag away from her lips, the blood staining them, she felt a little better. She pulled up the ends of her sweats and saw how her skin turned back to normal. But it didn't go completely normal. From her knees and down, they were still looked like Klaus' dedicated skin.

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