nineteen; smells like teen spirit

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ADELAIDE walked through the parking lot of Mystic Falls high. Boys were staring at her, their eyes roaming her body in the burgundy skin tight dress she put on. She spotted Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie from a far and walked up behind them, her heals clanking on the ground.

"Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." Elena said sadly.

"Well isn't that sad." Adelaide smirked.

"Adelaide, what are you doing here?" Caroline asked in a hushed voice.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. "I'm going to school— actually no. I just came so I could be cute... and everyone could be mad."

The three girls glared at the female Salvatore. She smirked at them before walking away. Adelaide stopped and turned around to face Elena.

"Elena, why are you wearing as scarf?" Adelaide faked the realization that spread across her face. "Oh, that's right. Baby bro took a sip out of you."

She smirked once more and Elena's glare and Bonnie and Caroline's surprised expressions.

"See you in class." Adelaide wiggled her fingers. She turned around and strutted into the school. Adelaide walked in and quickly compelled the old lady in the front desk to make her a schedule, having all classes with Elena. She walked out and noticed Stefan had Alaric against the lockers by his neck.

Elena looked at Adelaide with pleading eyes. "Adelaide, do something."

Adelaide laughed. "No." She snorted and walked away.

He let go of Alaric. "I will see you both in history." Stefan smirked the two and raced after his older sister.

"So, I uh, I see you've turned the switch." Stefan smirked. "What made you do that?"

"The guilt was too much to handle so— I turned it off." Adelaide shrugged and walked into Alaric's class room.

"No, it's not that. It's something more." Stefan said sitting in the seat in front of Adelaide. Everyone started to walk in and Alaric started to teach.

"Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders— native Americans." Alaric said.

"What about the Vikings?" A feminine female voice said. Adelaide looked up and spotted Rebekah.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States." Alaric informed. "Who are you?"

"My names Rebekah." Rebekah said, she smirked at Adelaide before sitting in one of the seats. "I'm new. And history's my favorite subject."

Adelaide walked out to the football field with her arm hooked through Rebekah's.

"I'm really loving this no humanity Adelaide." Rebekah stated. "She's so relaxed and is down to everything with lil olé me."

"Not everything." Adelaide said, glaring at the spandex short and tank top Rebekah forced her into.

"Has anyone seen Dana or Valentina?" The captain of the cheerleading squad asked.

"Sound like you have two openings on the squad." Rebekah said as her and Adelaide stretched on either side of Caroline.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked the older vampires. They smirked at Caroline and continued stretching.

"Hey, you can't just come here and infiltrate all our lives." Caroline snapped at Rebekah.

"She's only interested in yours." Adelaide said stretching while the two blonde vampires stood face to face.

"That's right. Your spark, your popularity." Rebekah looked looked over Caroline's shoulder at Tyler. "Maybe even your boyfriend."

Caroline huffed and walked up to Tyler who had compelled the football coach.

"Hey! Check out the new girls!" Someone yelled.

Adelaide and Rebekah smirked at each other before doing multiple slips in sync and landing in the splits.

Adelaide high fives the other cheerleader as Rebekah smirked at Caroline. Adelaide then noticed Stefan messing with Elena.

"Look at you, being all fit." Stefan taunted. "Hey, you going to the bonfire tonight? Sounds like fun, right?"

Elena huffed. "Seriously, Stefan, leave me alone."

She turned the other way and started running in the opposite direction.

"You think I'm annoying now? Wait til homecoming." Stefan smirked. "Hey, who are you bringing anyways? I don't want to be weird."

Some then bumped into Elena on accident and Stefan pushed him into the ground. "Watch it dick!"

"Who are you?" Elena stared at Stefan in disbelief.

"I'm the guy who's been assigned to protect the human blood bag." Stefan said. Adelaide laughed and Stefan smirked at her. "I'm mean no offense or anything."

Adelaide flopped onto the bed of the house she was staying at. After turning off her humanity, Adelaide went hours searching for a nice house and when she found one, she compelled the owner to kill herself before entering her home and instantly made herself comfortable. It wasn't what she was used to. It was a nice two story house with about 5 bedrooms. After a few minutes of laying down on her bed, trying to fall asleep, her phone rang.

She growled, answering it. "What?"

"Looks like someone isn't in a good mood." They chucked.

"Klaus." Adelaide sighed annoyed, though she felt her heart flutter at his voice.

"Hello, sweetheart." Klaus greeted. "I hope your brother is doing a great job at protecting my doppelgänger?"

Adelaide groaned. "If that is what you called for, then maybe you should've talked to you're associate."

Klaus laughed. "You're extra salty today, my love. Are you still mad about what happened?"

"I almost died because of you,
Klaus." Adelaide snapped. "What did you think I would be doing? Dancing around town telling people that the man I love nearly killed me?"

Adelaide's eyes widened at that. She loves Klaus. Not loved. Love. As in she still has strong feelings towards the hybrid asshole.

"You still love me?" Klaus breathed out. Adelaide could practically hear smugness in his voice.

"Whatever?" Adelaide rolled her eyes, hanging up the phone.

cause I promised y'all!
thanks for 40 reads on my Dylan O'Brien fan fiction

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