ten; klaus

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ADELAIDE had been sitting in the basement of the boarding house for hours, waiting for Elijah to wake up. She was sitting beside his body, twirling the dagger in her hand distractedly as she read The Maze Runner on her phone. It was about six in the morning, which meant the sun was rising and she wished that Elijah would wake up before her brothers.

She briefly wondered how furious they'd be with her if they realized what she had done. She didn't particularly care. It was a mistake to dagger Elijah in the first place and she was setting things right. She was just a little concerned as to how mad Elijah would be when he woke.

The main thing that had been on her mind was Klaus. She was slightly amused at the fact that she'd been insulting him right in front of him, under the impression that she was talking to Alaric. She scowled at how smug he'd been as to possessing Alaric's body to get in on the plan to try and take him out. She knew that she had it coming. Klaus was always ten steps ahead of enemies.

Adelaide pulled out of her bitter thoughts when a loud gasp broke the silence. She looked up to find Elijah's eyes has snapped open. She was at is side in a blink of an eye, and he stared at her with wide, alarmed eyes.

"Adelaide," He managed to say.

"Shh!" She urged, hoping desperately that neither  Stefan or Damon would wake up.

"I can't breathe." Elijah gasped, clutching his chest. "I can't be in this house."

Realization his Adelaide. "You haven't been invited in."

In a second, Elijah was on his feet bracing himself on the door frame. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared. Cursing internally, she quickly followed after him, appearing by the front door in the next instant.

Elijah was slight hunched over, drawing a deep breath before straightening, glaring at the Salvatore in front of him.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Adelaide smirked, leaning against the door frame.

"What happened?" He demanded. Adelaide put her finger to her mouth silently telling Elijah to be quiet.

"I'll tell you." Adelaide whispered. "Just not here."

"Can I trust you?" Elijah hissed.

"Yes you can." She said as she handed Elijah the dagger.

That's when she heard the doppelgänger's annoying voice. "Adelaide? What did you do?"

Adelaide grabbed Elena's arm and dragged her outside. "Since you know that Elijah is no longer daggered, you are coming with me."

"I was gonna come with you anyways. I need some answers on Klaus." Elena said, eying Elijah.

"You look better." Adelaide teased as she parked her car in front of the Lockwood Mansion. She had given Elijah a blood bag and he immediately downed it.

"Where did you get the dagger?" Elijah asked, avoiding eye contact with either brunettes.

"I'll tell you everything." Elena said. "But we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word."

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