nine; the last dance

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ADELAIDE woke up gasping. She tried to take a breath of air but she couldn't. Then she remembered Damon and Stefan putting the house under Elena's name. Meaning, Adelaide hasn't been invited in. Her eyes widened as she vamp speed through the house gasping and hitting walls. She finally made it outside and she was able to take in a breath of air.

"Are you okay?" A voice behind her asked. She recognized it as Elena.

Adelaide turned around and glared at Elena. "Why didn't you guys wake me up?"

"Maybe because we wanted to see that." Damon smirked. Adelaide rushed at him but ended up hitting an invisible barrier. Adelaide huffed and slapped her hand against the wall next to her.

"Elena, invite me in." Adelaide demands as she stares down Damon who is laughing.

Elena and Bonnie glance at each other in confusion. "Um, Adelaide, come in."

"Thank you." Adelaide bitterly smiles at Elena.

She flashed into the house and grabbed the nearest object, which was a dagger and she plunged it into his stomach. He bent down in pain and Adelaide brought her knee up, hitting him square in the nose before pushing him to the ground. She smiles and her brother, the witch, and the doppelgänger before walking up to her room.

"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon suggested.

Elena and Bonnie and tagged along with Adelaide to the boarding house, where they're currently discussing what had happened. Which was Klaus compelling a student at the school. Damon and Stefan were there also and its seemed like Adelaide was the only one not stressing.

"Really? How are we going to do that?" Stefan asked. "We don't even know what he looks like."

"Something tells me he's not going to be 16 and pimply." Damon rolled his eyes.

"He's about six feet tall, blonde hair, blue eyes," Adelaide listed very bored. "Has an English accent like mine and tend to call people 'love' a lot."

Everyone stared at Adelaide in shock.

"Well that helps." Bonnie muttered.

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school." Stefan says.

Adelaide looks between the doppelgänger and the witch. "I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?"

The both glare at Adelaide as she smirks. A knock was heard on the door and soon walked in was Alaric. Little did they know, it was Klaus.

"There you are." Damon sighed in relief.

"Sorry I'm late." Alaric/Klaus said.

"Hey I need you to put me and Adelaide down as a chaperone at the dance tonight." Damon said.

"What? Why do I have to go?" Adelaide exclaimed.

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