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      I want to say something to some of my readers on here. Lately I've been getting these comments saying, "That's not how you spell it" or "Its supposed to be *correct spelling* and not *incorrect spelling*"

    But yeah, I get it. I spelled some words wrong— so what? You liked by story anyways seeing as your in my notifications: @*your username* voted for your chapter...

    So to you readers, STOP! I spelled some words wrong— nobody else cares but you few readers. Everyone who writes stories here on wattpad at least have more than five words misspelled in their shit. Not everyone shit is perfect. If my "poor spelling" is that serious to you, then DON'T FUCKING READ MY SHIT! I got 9k other readers who are 100% with me til the end.

(shoutout to you all those people who comment things that don't have to do with my spelling. Y'all know who you are!)

    I try so hard to make these chapters at least some-what perfect and y'all few readers always got something negative to say. So, whoever else comments something about my accidental misspelled words will either be blocked and/or their comment(s) will be deleted.

— void-mikaelson (Aka; my name is Naliah– pronounced: nah-lee-ah)

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