thirty-two; before sunset

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Adelaide groaned feeling the sun hit her face. Today was the day they leaved Mystic Falls and attended their life at the heart of New Orleans itself. Usually she wouldn't slept in knowing they had a long drive ahead of them but she couldn't upon hearing things being moved around the mansion.

She let out a loud groan, throwing the sheets off of her body and walking downstairs. As she walked towards the direction of the loud sound, her breath got caught in her throat when she saw who was making the loud noises.

"Rebekah," Adelaide sighed in relief. The blonde turned around, smiling widely at the shorter brunette in front of her.

"Well good morning to you, sleeping beauty. I thought you'd never wake up." Rebekah commented. Adelaide shook her head.

"Where the hell have you been?" Adelaide asked as she brought her best friend into a hug.

"Locked out of my own mind." Rebekah replied. She glanced down at the boxes she had been going through, groaning in annoyance.

"What're you looking for?"

"Clothes. I haven't showered in awhile seeing as my mother took over my body, and now I also can't find my clothes." Rebekah grumbled.

"Your clothes are in my closet." Adelaide said as she walked back towards her and Klaus shared room. Rebekah followed after and immediately went straight to the closet. She sighed seeing all of her clothes there.

"Thank god." She muttered grabbing an outfit before running out. Adelaide chuckled before she grabbed her own clothes and getting into the shower.


"Why do I have to help again?" Adelaide whined as she picked up yet another piece of trash from the floor in the school's gym. Rebekah had dragged her all the way to the school to the dance Rebekah planned out but didn't get to go too.

"Because this is punishment for going to the dance without me." Rebekah snapped back only making Adelaide roll her eyes.

Adelaide opened her mouth to fire back a sassy comment to her but was interrupted by yet another blonde.

"Where's Matt?" Caroline asked.

"He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute." Rebekah replied back to her, continuing to pick up trash with a sorrow look on her face.

Caroline grumbled. "Are you kidding me? So it's just us?"

"Yes and you're late." Adelaide butted in. "Clean up committee started at eight o'clock."

"It's like two minutes past eight." Caroline responded after glance at her phone.

"Exactly," Rebekah snapped. "I managed to show up on time and I didn't even attend the dance I organized."

Silence filled the room after that comment. Rebekah was not in the mood for anybody. She was upset she didn't attend the dance dedicated to her favorite decade, her mother took over her body and left it in a coffin, it just wasn't her week.

"I'm sorry about your mom," Caroline suddenly said. "I mean, I know you, like, hated her and everything but still. I'm sorry."

"Sorry about your teacher. He seem like a nice guy."

"Yeah, he was." Caroline nodded sadly.

"Me and Adelaide will get started on the gym." Rebekah said. She grabbed Adelaide's wrist and the two walked out and headed towards the gym.

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