twenty-nine; 1912

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As I slowly opened my eyes on a another beautiful day of this horrid world, my lovely, immortal hybrid husband decides to fling the curtains open, allowing the sun to shine very brightly into his room. I groaned loudly outstretching my hand to block some of the sunlight.

"Why in the bloody hell is the sun so much brighter now?" I interrogated, my voice hoarse from just waking up.

Klaus chuckled, "Your senses are more heighten now, my love," He sauntered towards me and grabbed ahold of my right. His other hand wrapped around my middle finger that had my daylight ring on it. He started to slip it off my finger, "Plus, you don't need this anymore."

The second the ring lost touch with my skin, I used my vampire speed to run towards a shaded corner in the room, away from the sunlight. I stared at Klaus with wide eyes as he smirked, "What the hell?! Are you trying to kill me?! Wait, this is because I took the coffins, huh? You're getting even with me. Well, it worked, now give me my damn daylight ring back so I don't burn to death."

Klaus raised his eyebrows and my outstretched hand. I gazed back at him with a stern look. He began to walk towards me, holding my daylight ring. I smiled in victory ready to snatch it from his hand but instead, I was jerked into the sunlight by Klaus. I shrieked loudly as Klaus held me in the sunlight. Soon enough, my screams dialed down as I witnessed my skin still smooth and clean and not on fire.

"Oh," Was all I managed to say. I continued to let my eyes roam my body for any secret burns but there was nothing. No burns or any signs of fire starting, "Oh." I continued to say.

"See, you're not going to burn in the sunlight anymore, my love. You're a hybrid, you don't need to wear charmed jewelry to keep you safe," He stated with the same annoying yet charming smirk on his face.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "As if I'm going to stop wearing them 'cause they have no use to my life anymore. Those so called 'charmed jewelry' is not just pretty, it's expensive, and it goes with almost every outfit I have; which is a lot, by the way. I'm not giving them up."

"I never said you had too."


With Damon by my side, him and I stride into the Sheriffs Station. I was pretty annoyed at this point. I was supposed to go with Rebekah to try and find the other white oak tree growing on this earth. But the minute I stepped foot into the boarding house, Damon dragged me towards the car and forcing me into it without saying a single word.

Now, I'm at the Sheriffs Station with the same clothes I had on yesterday and probably smelling really badly since I haven't taken a shower since yesterday. Damon spotted Sheriff Forbes by the door that led to the cells of the held criminals. We walked towards her and snuck in behind her, making sure no one saw us. I followed Alaric's scent, something I learned on my own recently and found him sitting in one of the car cells.

Once Alaric laid eyes on Sheriff Forbes, he quickly stood up and leaned on the bars in front of him, "I didn't do it!"

"You're arresting him for what this nutjob Dr. Fell says?" Damon asked in disbelief. Update; the founders council had been getting killed one by one lately and turns out that the weapons used to kill these councils had been Alaric's. Dr. Fell supposedly came in with a statement that gave the Sheriff all the information to arrest Alaric. God, I really hate that bitch.

"No, I'm detaining him," Sheriff Forbes declared, "the cell is for his own good. You were shot. Dr. Fell used vampire blood to heal you."

Alaric gawked at the short haired, blonde woman in front of him, "Dr. Fell is the one who shot me!"

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