eighteen; the reckoning

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ADELAIDE glared at Klaus as he pulled on her arm. "Let me go of my arm, asshole!"

Klaus ignored her and Elena walked right in front of them. She gasped, staring at Klaus with wide eyes. "There's my girl."

"Klaus." She shook in fear. She tried to run but Klaus and Adelaide showed up in front of her.

Klaus grabbed her arm as well, "You're supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?"

"You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart." Klaus glared at Elena, harshly gripping both girls' arms. "The whole point of breaking. the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing."

"If you're going to kill me, just do it!" Elena snapped.

"Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." Klaus smirked. He used his back to push open the doors to the gym. He pushed Elena inside before grabbing Adelaide waist, pressing his body against hers and harshly pushing her into the gym.

"Attention, seniors." Klaus yelled out with a fake American accent. "You have officially been busted. Prank night is over."

They all groaned as they stood up leaving. Klaus looked at two of them, Dana and Chad, and came up to them.

"You two. I remember you." Klaus said in his normal voice.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Dana asked.

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met." Klaus said.

"Lift your foot up, please, Dana." Klaus compelled her. She obligated, lifting her foot. He looked towards Chad. "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death."

"Don't, Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody." Elena said.

"Oh, come on, love. Of course I do." Klaus smirked.

"Drama queen." Adelaide muttered. Adelaide started to gasp for air as Klaus gripped her neck, lifting her off of the floor.

"Klaus, don't hurt her!" Elena yelled. Adelaide looked at the doppelgänger shocked that she cared.

"You lied to me!" Klaus growled.

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you the doppelgänger was alive." Adelaide gasped out. She somehow let out a loud laugh as Klaus glared at her. "Did you really think I'd tell you?"


She let out another laugh. "That Adelaide is no longer here, love."

Klaus glared at her. His mind was running wild trying to find some way to punish her. He then smirked, thinking of an idea. Adelaide watched as his eyes glowed yellow and veins grew from under his eyes. She screamed in pain as she felt his fangs tear into her skin. He pulled away, wiping her blood from his lips. He dropped her onto the floor, chuckling.

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