thriteen; as I lay dying

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ADELAIDE groggily woke up as heard things breaking downstairs. She groaned softly, trudging downstairs. Two days past since the sacrifice and Adelaide wasn't having the best time. She kept getting visits from a very stinky and annoying wolf. The wolf happened to be Klaus. Then she found out that Damon had gotten a werewolf bite from Tyler Lockwood the night of the sacrifice.

Now, she was trying to find a cure for him somehow, not really getting any sleep. But then she remember that the cure was Klaus blood. He had given Adelaide his blood many time after she'd got bit multiple times by werewolves. Adelaide walked downstairs to where the noise was coming, only to find Stefan pinning Damon to the floor. "What's going on?"

Stefan slammed Damon into the wall. "He's trying to kill himself."

"What?!" Adelaide screamed. She flashes towards Damon and grabbed his collar before flashing into the basement. She slammed the door shut and glared at him.

"You're not dying today, or ever." She locked the basement door.

"What's the plan, superman?" Damon asked.

"I'm gonna find a way out of this." Stefan said, appearing next to Adelaide.

"Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one." Damon said.

"There's a cure. We just have to find Klaus." Adelaide informed.

"We're gonna get that cure and you're gonna be fine." Stefan said.

"Always the hero, Stefan." Damon smirked. "Just tell me good-bye, get it over with."

Damon then started to cough up blood. "Lie still. Conserve your strength."

Stefan and Adelaide walked into the town square, trying to find Elena. They needed her to go help out with Damon an give him hope somehow. They didn't want him trying to off himself while they were out getting the from Klaus. That was their next stop. Alaric's apartment where Klaus had been staying for the time being.

Adelaide spotted Elena and dragged her little brother over towards her. Caroline, Elena, and Jeremy looked up at the pair with a smile.

"Hey! Look who couldn't resist an epic romance." Elena teased Stefan.

"Shut up and walk with us, doppelgänger, we have serious business right now and quite frankly I don't have time for you and Stefan's antics." Adelaide snapped.

Elena nodded and stood up. They began walking towards a private place where no one could hear them. Can't risk that.

"You're breaking the rules, you know. Movie nights supposed to be a distraction. Tomorrow we can go back to our regularly scheduled drama." Elena said.

"I know. I wish this could wait but it can't." Stefan said.

"The other night when Damon was helping Tyler, something happened." Stefan said.

1. | ADELAIDE SALVATORE [KLAUS MIKAELSON]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt