twenty-six; bringing out the dead

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ADELAIDE and Damon walked through the woods together. Adelaide had no clue as to why she was dragged along by her older brother but I guess she'll just have to see. The whole walk was silent. That's until Elena called, which Adelaide was sort of happy about since she didn't want to have a conversation with Damon. She explained to them how Sheriff Forbes came to their house to tell them that some man named Brian Walters was killed by Elena, who plunged one of her family's old stakes in his chest.

     "So you're the prime suspect, huh?" Damon teased.

     "She doesn't think that I did it. She's just trying to find out why someone used one of my family's weapons to kill a council member." Elena explained.

     "Well, why don't you just ask Ric if his dirty little Doctor had access to the weapons." Damon suggested cockily.

     "You're on speaker phone, dick." Alaric said into the phone.

     Adelaide snorted. "I'm just saying, first suspect is usually the right one. Don't get so defensive."

     "Brian Walters was killed days ago, alright? I didn't show Meredith this stuff until last night."

     Elena sighed. "It wasn't Meredith."

     "But Brian Walters was her ex-boyfriend and Ric saw them fighting that night." Adelaide butted in. Damon agreed.

     "It's not Meredith, okay. I refuse to believe that you luck with women is that tragic." The two vampires heard from the phone, though they didn't know why that last comment was too.

     "Well, who else knows about your secret little slayer stash?" Damon asked.

     "Who doesn't?" Alaric replied. "I've got weapons everywhere. Here, the school, my loft, your car."

     "It's Klaus. It has to be. He's screwing with us." Damon claimed.

     "If this was Klaus' doing, it would've been a lot bloodier." Adelaide informed her brother.

     "I wonder if it was Stefan." Elena said muttered. "He was crazy that night. You know, he was trying to get underneath Klaus' skin. He was capable of pretty much anything."

     Damon hummed. "Ah, that make me nostalgic for the time when Stefan was a bunny-snacking pacifist. Anyways, gotta go. More later."

     "Hey, where are you?" Alaric asked.

     "Tea with an old friend." Damon muttered before hanging up. He stopped walking making Adelaide look up. Her eyes almost shot out of their sockets seeing Elijah standing a few feet in front of them.

     "Elijah, my favorite original." She breathed out in surprise.

     "Adelaide, nice to see you again." He smiled.

     "You clean up nice." Damon commented.

     Elijah dug into the pocket of his suit and pulled a paper. "You left something.... in my jacket pocket."

     "Oh, yeah." Damon smirked. "'Dear Elijah, let's get together, plot a destruction of your brother. Xo, Xo.'"

     Adelaide snorted. "Xo, xo, really?"

     "Was I right to undagger you or are we going to have a problem?" Damon asked Elijah seriously, ignoring Adelaide's snarky remarks.

     "I'm here, let's talk." Elijah shrugged.

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