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Alright, so I'm guessing you people saw the title and are probably interested in what I'm about to say.

There's was this follower I had, she commented hate on this book. At first, I didn't care but then, she just kept going and I got annoyed so I blocked her and deleted her comments. But, one of her comments said that I had the same story line as a book we both seemed to have read. All I had was a different character, a different celebrity, and shit like that. But, let me explain...

When it comes to writing a chapter for this book, I get to lazy to sit at a computer and pause and then play the episode over and over again. So, you know what I do — I go to my library on wattpad, find the best book about the vampire diaries that has the best script from the episode, and write it down in my notes. So, yeah. When you read my book, it's somewhat the same as another book, but it's not copy write. Some of you might think it is but I think it's not.

As I am writing my chapter to this book, I add the same exact lines from the episode into my chapter. And sometimes I get mixed up and end up putting a line that wasn't even in the episode into my book, making it seem similar. But I swear, copying some else's book isn't my intentions. A while before I found that book me and the girl read and before I wrote this book, I've had ideas on what to do for this book... which brings us to our next topic.

The girl said my storyline was the same as the book we both read. But really, it's not. In the other book, the main character was someone from the original vampire's past life, before they became immortal. My character meets klaus and the rest of the original family a couple days after she was turned. Basically like 86 years or so.

But, I mean, there about a million vampire diaries fan fictions with a similar storyline as mine but I don't trip. Maybe there inspire by my books or someone else book and decide to write similar things in theirs. I not going to be mad that someone has a some what same book as mine. I'll be happy because they were actually taking time to reading my shit and feel very inspired to write a fan fiction. But I wouldn't be that happy, I'd probably feel a little weird that some parts seem similar to mine but I know that's not their intentions. And I know that they were just using my book as a guide for theirs.

So what I'm trying to say is, if you have read a Klaus Mikaelson fan fiction and my book seems similar to that book, I want you to know that I never want to copy someone's book. I want to make my book as original as possible. And just know, before, that I want too confident about this book and always used that book I was talking about earlier as a guide... all the time. But I've stopped a long time ago... I'm very confident about my book, thanks to the girls book.

     So, to voluntears , I'm sorry if you think that my book is exactly like yours but I never meant for it to be. Your book A Thousand Years has always help me keep moving with my own book and helped me improve it. DM if you want me to delete this and start over with my own shit. But, for now, this book is on hold due to my supposedly ✌🏻️ "copywrite book" ✌🏻

— Naliah

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