sixteen; the end of the affair

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ADELAIDE stared out the window of Klaus' car, board out of her mind. She listened to some of Rihanna's music to help keep her occupied but that didn't work. Suddenly, then pulled into a dark warehouse, making Adelaide and Stefan sit up.

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan." Klaus said, turning off the car. He looked towards Adelaide. "You too, love."

They climbed out of the car as Klaus open some door that leads to the outside of the warehouse. The female vampire gives the hybrid a confused look. "What are we doing here?"

"I know how much you two loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days." Klaus said towards Stefan.

"I blacked out most of them." Stefan informed. "A lot of blood. A lot of partying."

"And lots and lots of sex." Adelaide commented, staring at the lit up city.

Klaus laughed. "Oh do I remember the—"

"Okay! I don't need to hear whatever the hell the two of you while you were here." Stefan cut Klaus off before he could finish his sentence. "Anyways, the details of me here, we're all a blur."

"Well, that's a crying shame." Klaus said. "The details are what makes it legend."

"Chicago was magical." Klaus said as the compelled humans loaded the coffins into the warehouse.

"Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it." Stefan replied. "Like I said, I don't remember most of it."

"Ready to get down to business then?" Klaus asked.

Stefan scratched the back of his head. "Why are we still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?"

"We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her." Klaus said.

"You mean your hybrid problem?" Adelaide scoffed. "I'm here so I can make sure that my brother doesn't go back to his psychotic ripper stage trying to help your hybrid ass create your own army full of creatures just like you."

Klaus glared at her. He grabbed her by the neck, lifting her up in the air. He smirked as she shrugged for air. "I'm getting tired of your antics, sweetheart. I don't care if your here for your brother. You tagged along with us so you're helping. Now, lose the attitude and follow directions."

Klaus dropped her onto the floor before climbing into the drivers seat. Adelaide coughed before Stefan helped her to her feet. "You okay?"

Adelaide huffed glaring at no one in particular. "Just peachy."

The three vampires walked into an old, slightly dusty bar. Adelaide recognized it as Gloria's bar, an old witch who is quite dead. "Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asked.

"I can't believe this place is still here." Adelaide looked around.

"You've got to be kidding me." A voice called out behind them. They turned around to see a very healthy, and most of all, a very alive witch named Gloria.

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