tweleve; the sun also rises

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ADELAIDE groaned as she woke up. She was surrounded by fire. She stood up and tried to rush out but she ended up hitting a barrier. "Don't try to get out, I spelled the circle. You're trapped, no matter what you do."

She looked up to see a dark skinned women pushing Jules onto the ground then surrounding her with fire. She then notice Elena and Jenna in the same situation.

"What's happening to me?" Jules asked.

"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation. You're inside are trying to tear themselves free." The witch said.

"Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed." Elena said.

"My duty is to Klaus." Greta snapped. "The new order."

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner." Klaus said as he appeared.

Adelaide groaned, everyone turned to her. "Could you two shut up and get this ritual going? I have a Pretty Little Liars marathon that I'm trying to get to."

Greta glared at her and Adelaide started to scream in pain, grabbing her head. Klaus looked at Greta. "Geta..." He warned.

She rolled her eyes and stopped the aneurysm spell. Klaus looked between Elena, Jenna, and Jules. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?"

"I've got the moonstone." Klaus tells Greta. "I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it."

He hands her the moonstone. "The moon has past its apex. Remember everything you need to do?"

"I remember." Klaus says. Greta places the moonstone on a rock and it immediately catches on fire. Greta then starts to chant.

Jules looks at Elena. "Everything I did, I was just trying to help Tyler."

"So torturing me and my brothers was helping Tyler?" Adelaide asked from her spot on the floor inside the circle. She then scoffs. "That totally makes sense."

"That's enough, love." Klaus looks at Adelaide.

"Sweetheart, I'm just getting started." Adelaide rolls her eyes.

The circle around Jules goes out. Her eyes turn gold and rushes at Klaus, but Klaus is faster and ends up slamming her to the floor. He then plunges his hand into her heart before ripping straight out of her chest. He walks up to Greta and squeezes Jules' heart, letting the blood drip on the rock and it boiling cause of the fire.

"Tell me it's working." Klaus demands.

"It's working." Greta said.

"The day that the lawyer called to tell me that I was going to be your guardian, you know what my first thought was?" Jenna asked Elena.

Elena shook her head. "Isn't there someone else who can do this?"

"Jenna, there was no one else who could've gotten me and Jeremy through all of that." Elena said.

1. | ADELAIDE SALVATORE [KLAUS MIKAELSON]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt