seven; daddy issues

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ADELAIDE and Caroline walked out Caroline's house. Caroline turned around to lock the door but she felt someone other than Adelaide behind her. She turned around and Tyler was standing behind her glaring.

"Hey..." Caroline said. "How's it going?"

"We need to talk." Tyler said. He looked at Adelaide. "I'm private."

"I'm not moving." Adelaide stated.

"Yeah. We do. Listen." Caroline interrupted. "I've been think about it, and I don't want to overanalyze. It was just one kiss, but Matt is still kind of in the picture. We can't go there, Tyler."

"Fine." He bluntly said.

"Great. That's settled." Caroline and Adelaide walked past Tyler. Adelaide made sure she hit his shoulder with hers.

"What happened to my Uncle Mason?" Tyler said.

Adelaide and Caroline stopped. "What?"

"He's dead, and I want you to tell me what happened." Tyler demanded.

"How would she know what happened to your uncle? She's a teenager." Adelaide said.

"Tyler, I don't—"

"Then let me tell you. Stefan and his brother Damon killed him, along with their sister whatever her name is, because they are vampires, just like you." Tyler said.

"Who told you that?" Caroline glanced at Adelaide.

"Is it true?" He asked.

"Let me explain." Caroline softly said.

"Did you know he was dead this whole time?" Tyler said getting angry.

"Please—" Caroline lightly cried.

"Did you know?!" He raises his voice.

Caroline nodded. Tyler pushed her up against her car and she struggled against him. Adelaide grabbed the back of his jacket and yanked him back. He went to rush again but Adelaide held him by his collar.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm sorry." Caroline cried behind Adelaide.

"I trusted you." His eyes glowed an amber color.

"Leave, wolf boy, before I kill you." Adelaide hissed showing him we vampire face.

"You're one too." Tyler realized. Adelaide pushes him and he glares at the two vampires before running off.

"You brought back John Gilbert?" Damon asked in disbelief. "That was your big save-Elena move?"

"Who's John Gilbert?" Adelaide asked. "He better not be a werewolf. I already had to deal with a very angry teenage werewolf."

"What?" Stefan asked.

"Tyler Lockwood, teenage werewolf, figured it out." Adelaide downed her drink.

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