[1] Beginning

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"Chachi! Come here right now!" A voice shouted from downstairs. A girl with brown hair flinched as she heard the voice call for her. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she looked at her door. Shes debating if she should leave the room or stay in her comfy bed.

"Chachi!" Her Eommas voice shouted from the bottom on the stairs. 'I guess I should really go downstairs.' She thought. She shut her laptop and took out her earbuds got out of her bed and walked slowly to her door. She inhaled, pushed up her glasses, then opened the door and walked down the hall and stairs carefully.

She could hear the sound of hip hop autotune beats filled the kitchen. She clutched her hand by her side as she recognized the sound that flowed past her ear smoothly. She created that remix.

"N-Ne Eomma?" She asked peeking her head into the kitchen door. Both of Chachi's parents were sitting down while watching something on the laptop. Her Eomma's eyes lifted up from the laptop. She stood up making the chair skid back on the hard wood floor.

"What is this?" She said as she spun the laptop making the screen face Chachi.

"Cece Remix really?" Her Appa said while glaring at his daughter. Chachi stood there with her head down and she arm by her side. Her left hand rub her right arm in embarrassment. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. "What did I tell you? I told you to not make anymore of this crap!" He snapped at her.

"Look at your appa when hes talking!" Her Eomma shouted. Chachi lifted her head moving her brown hair away from her face then pushed her glasses up again. Her eyes met the screen as she spotted herself dancing in the dance studio.

"Explain yourself." Her Eomma stated angrily.

"I-I wanted to make more hip hop dance choreography's. I like doing this stuff." She explained.

"Well we don't." Her Appa said he shut the laptop down in annoyance. "You think you look great while dancing? Huh?"

Chachi didn't say anything but she looked away from her Appas gaze. Her Eomma came up and stood in front of her.

"Look at you. Dressing like a boy. I raised a girl. I have a daughter. But you look nothing like a girl." The words were like sharp knives digging into her heart. Her Eomma grabbed the end of the big baggy shirt Chachi was wearing. It belonged to her Oppa's.

"Isnt this Young-bae's shirt?" She lifted it up and dropped it in disgust. Chachi grabbed her Oppa's shirt and grip it tightly. She was afraid to answer her. "Your 12 years old. Your not suppose to be acting and dressing this way. Dont follow those internet people. Take that down right now." Her Eomma said as she pointed to the laptop.

"But Eo-" the sound of a clap filled the kitchen. Chachi's head was facing the left as she felt a pain grew on her right cheek. Her glasses fell off her face from the impact. She didnt bother on picking it up. Her hand instinctively hold her face as if it could stop the pain. This wasnt the first time she felt this pain.

"Dont talk back to me." Her Eomma hissed as she glared down at her 12 year old daughter. The stinging pain worked its way to her eyes. She felt her eyes sting as water starts to form.

Chachi couldnt take anymore of their hurtful words and action anymore. She spun around quickly and ran up the stairs to her room. She slam the door and locked it behind her. She leaned her back against the door and slid down until her bottom touched the floor. She brought her knees to her chest as tears spilled down her face. She gripped the short (long sleeve in her form) sleeves of the shirt as she tried not to scream.

'Oppa, where are you?' She cried as she begged for her older brother to come home. Her body started to shake uncontrollably. She inhaled and exhaled as she tried to relax. Nothing worked.

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