[4] Pleasant Greetings

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"Whens rehearsal today?" A guy with light brown hair asked while walking next to a taller guy.

"Um, Suho-hyung told me it starts at 5:45. And its now 5:30." He answered.

"Did he tell the other guys?" Baekhyun asked shifting the cup holders of 4 taro bubble on it.

"Yeah, Suho-hyung is the leader." Chanyeol said smartly. Baekyun rolled his eyes as they turned the corner heading towards their dance studio. They saw Kai and Sehun waiting on the steps playing with items on the floor. "Hey, what are you doing outside?"

They looked up at their hyung. "We were waiting for you, D.O-hyung, and Suho-hyung." Baekyun put on a puzzled face.

"They're not here yet?" Kai shook his head. They got up and dusted off their pants. "Suho-hyung said Seunghwan-hyung wanted to talk to him." They all nodded and started to head inside the building.

Once they walk in, they were greeted by other dancers. They said their hellos and made their way towards the elevator. There was a caution sign saying it was 'out of order.'

"Ugh, does that mean were walking up the stairs?" Kai groaned. "Our studio is up on the third floor."

"Ne we have to." Sehun said patting Kai's shoulder. They took their drinks and began making their way to up the stairs. Baekyun was already out of breath. He wanted to clasps on the floor. Chanyeol was almost finished with his drink and ignoring the complains from the other 3 members.

They heard the faint sound of drums and autotune beats coming from one of the dance rooms. They all stopped and looked at each other. They rushed towards the dance studio. They opened the door making the music blast. No one was in the room. "Mwo?" Kai said walking deeper into the room. He walked over to the speakers where a new looking flat Dell laptop sat with a black screen connected to the speakers.

"Whos laptop is that?" Sehun asked inspecting it. He touched the mouse making the screen light up to a log in screen. The background was a moving galaxy and the image was a picture if a moon and star quotes.

"There isnt a name." Kai said standing up. "It could be Kris. Look at the background." Kai pointed out.

"Aniyo Hyung I don't think so." Sehun said.

"Hey guys, am I late?" We turned around to see D.O out of breathe. Chanyeol shook his head. "Whats going on?" He breathed out.

"Theres a laptop here and we dont know who it is." Baekhyun said. They decided on looking for the person after a minute because they didnt know who's laptop was. They split into teams.

- D.O, Kai, and Baekhyun.

- Sehun and Chanyeol

Sehun and Chanyeol stayed in the studio for a while trying to get into laptop. While the other team looked around the floor.


A brown hair girl was standing in front if a venting machine getting out a water bottle. She opened it and drank it with thirst. She walked towards the stairs, sat down, and waited there playing on her phone for a bit.

"Are you Min Kaelynn?" The brown hair girl looked up to see a guy whos taller slightly taller than her. She examined his face. He has soft features with his light brown hair spiked up making him look cute. She smiled and stood up placing her phone in the front pockets of her joggers.

"Yeah, you must Suho from Exo. Leader of Exo-K?" She asked unsurely. He smiled and nodded. He looked at her slightly round face. They were soft and her eyes were big and brown. Black eyeliner made them stand out. Her hair was tied up into a high pony tail. Her lips were slightly pink with lip gloss. "Alright, well I think the others could be here. Im not sure, I didnt go to the third floor yet. But my friend could already met them."

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