[27] Meeting

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I was in the little music studio at home blaring music through the speakers. I had headphones around my neck nodding to my own remixes.

I moved around different measures and sounds. I added new beats to see which would fit into the remix. "Oh gosh no." I shook my head as I hit the delete button to erase that sound.

My phone lit up the desk and it was vibrating. Whos calling me? I laughed when I realized it was Jess. I lowered the music and put her on speaker. "Why are you calling? I'm down stairs."

"I know your downstairs. I wanted you to lower the volume. Its so loud. I can hear you from outside."

"Sorry." I said saving my file. "I'll stop for now."

"Alright. Bye." I laughed and said. Haru then texted me saying that I should get ready before we head out. I rushed upstairs and charged my phone. I picked out a rock and roll shirt that had small rips here and there. There was a skull and flowers in the middle. I took out black ripped leggings and new undergarments.

I tied my hair up and showered. I changed and put my contacts in then applied make up. I brushed my hair and grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before heading downstairs.

I sat on the stairs and browse through different hair color and style. My hair was long and maybe I should cut it. Should I dye it back to brown? Should I re-dye the roots or just change it completely? So many choices and less time. I sighed.

"Jess!" I called. I walked out to the backyard to see Jessica gardening.

"Yes?" She looked up through her shades. Her sun hat flopped over het face. I chuckled. She smiled at me and got up dusting her pants.

"What should I do with my hair?" I touched the ends and looked at it. "I was thinking dying it back to brown."

"Go for it. You've been blonde for a long time now." She said. "But maybe you should dye it light brown with pastel pink in the ends." She touched the ends when she walked past me to through out the gloves.

"Maybe." Haru texted me telling me she was here. "I'll see you later." I left the backyard and walked out of the house towards the waiting GMC. The chaffer opened the door for me and helped me in. I thanked him with a small smile and nod and greeted Haru.

"Are you excited?" Haru smiled. I shrugged. "Come on, act more excited."

"For what? I'm just getting my hair done." Haru shook her head and said 'never mind'.

The ride was silent. A comforting silence. We made it to the hair salon. I sat in the waiting area as Haru talked to the workers. There were some fans that smiled, waved and took some photos. I smiled at them hoping none of them come up to me. Not that I dislike it, its just I dont want to be crowded by my fans in this small area.

My body guards stood in front of me shielding me if anything happened. I was called up and I followed one of the hair stylist to a chair and mirror. "So what would you like today Chachi-Agashi?

"I want the blonde gone." I looked at her through the mirror. She nodded while playing with my thin hair. "I was thinking of dying it caramel brown."

"Okay, that'll look really cute. We have to cut the dead ends before we start." I nodded. I fixed my hair so it was the way I had it before she starts combing it and trimming the split ends.

I scrolled through social media as they did my hair. About 2 hours later of dying my hair from blonde to brown it was finally done. It took forever and my butt was sore from sitting for so long. "It looks awesome." I said as she played with my now medium length hair golden brown hair. "Can you take a picture?"

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