[30] Birthday Part 1

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I walked downstairs while tossing my hair to one side of my head. I yawned rubbing my eyes from underneath my glasses.

Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

I walked towards the kitchen to see no one. Their probably sleeping. Jess told me that her and Krystal would be going to the states for some photo shoots pretty soon. I hope they didn't leave without a goodbye.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with water and brought it to my lips. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY." I looked up to see no one. I turned around and still saw no one. I walked towards the door way and looked up at the balcony. "Where is she?"

I heard the 2 sisters conversing together about my little disappearance. I smiled and drank a little water before placing the cup on the counter. "Thanks." I said loud enough so they could hear me.

"Omo, what are you doing down there?! You scared me!" Jess shouted over the balcony. I chuckled crossing my arm over my chest.

"I got a glass of water. What I can't do that in the house I live in?" Krystal ran down the stairs and then quickly engulfed me into a hug.

"Happy Birthday unnie~"

"Yah!" I hit her arm. She laughed causing me to laugh, but I hugged her back. Jessica came down and join the hug. "Thanks guys."

"What are your plans today?" Jess asked me. I grabbed the cup and finished my drink before speaking. Its been almost a month and we finish recording and having the concept down. Now we just need to have a photoshoot.

"Finish creating my music video, photoshoot, and dance."

"Yeah, after your permit test." I almost dropped the cup. I can't believe they remembered. I can't believe I forgot. I wish they'd forget. Its been more than 2 months since she gave me that study packet. To be honest, I only looked at that packet once.

"I hope you studied." Jess continued. I shook my head.

"Come on Cece. Its not that bad. I got mine before you, and your older than me."

"You have your license." I corrected and walked away from them. I place the cup back in the sink and washed it. "No, I dont wanna go."

"Just give it a shot. You need to at least have your permit. Thinking is driving made me want to throw up. Thinking of that incident still haunts me everyday. How do people like driving? Everyone in the world is dangerous and are out to get you.

"I cant!" I shouted a little to loudly as I shut off the water harshly. I was breathing heavily and stared at that wet sink.

"Cha-" Krystal started but I pushed past them and headed up stairs. I stopped in my track. I hate running away from everything. I feel bad. They've stayed with me longer than anyone else, yet when it comes to certain things I yell and run away from fear. From reality.

I turned around and slowly walked back. I have to man up and deal with reality. "I'm sorry." I looked up at the two sisters standing beside the sink. I meant Jess's eyes. She smiled and nodded.

"Its okay. I understand. Young-bae texted saying hes coming to take you out for breakfast." I looked up at the wall clock, 7:45. If I remember correctly, I have to finish some parts of my music video at 8:30. Photoshoot around 11. Meet up with the boys around 1, another photoshoot, then finish music video, and class.

"Whens the test?" I asked before running upstairs.

"10:20." I nodded and rushed upstairs to change. I took a quick shower and change from my short sleeve and shorts to camo leggings and a black crop top with a design on the upper left corner that said 'Not Yours'. I placed contacts in and started applying make up. I grabbed a mini travel backpack that I bought acouple weeks ago.

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