[28] Star Gazing

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"Are you serious?" I asked in shock. Haru nodded her head. She showed me the email from her iPad. "Congratulations Dong Chachi, I am proud to announce that you are now under BigHit Entertainment." Bang Si Hyuk signature was at the bottom of the email. "Really?" She chuckled and nodded again.

I covered my mouth with one hand. Tears started to form. Its been so long since I've been in a record label. My eyes grew larger. "Wait, what about SM? And 1Million? Do they care that I interact with other entertainments?" Haru raised an eyebrow. She can tell how worried I am. This was a big problem back then.

"Bighit understands how your under 1Million and how you work closely with YG. Si Hyuk doesn't think it would effect your work with Bighit. And for SM, I don't think it would be a problem but you have to sign this."

She took out a piece of paper from a tan manilla folder. On the paper was in neat font of Hangul saying that it allows me to get signed into a new company and if anything happens I cannot blame SM. I signed at the bottom above Lee Soo Man.

"Thank you." She sang and put it back in the folder and her bag. "By the way, um, the little incident that happened the other day is-" she was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I walked over to the dining table and picked it up. Chanyeol was calling me. I raised an eyebrow. It wasn't an ordinary call, it was a facetime call. I was confused but answered anyways.

"Cece-ah!" I heard my name chorus from the other end. I saw Chanyeols face with other faces poking out behind him.

"What?" I looked over at Haru to leaned against the wall. She gave me a nervous smile.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Chachi, are you hurt?" Different people asked different questions.

"An article might of released about the other day's incident." Haru said over their loud voice. My eyes popped. I looked back onto the screen and gave them an assuring smile.

"I'm fine."

"You say that all the time." Baekhyun piped up.

"We don't believe you." Xiumin stated with a pout on his face.

"'I'm fine' can mean many things Ce. It is a phrase that people say when they are not fine and when they are hurt but wants to hide their true feelings on the inside." Chen stated smartly.

I rolled my eyes. "Guys, I'm okay. I really am. Nothing big happened. I'm not hurt. I was just startled."

"But are you really okay?" This time it was Sehun who spoke up. The camera faced him. He looked genuinely worried. I felt hesitate but I know I have to get over it sooner or later. I nodded and smiled. He smiled back.

My phone vibrated again and it was an incoming call from a random number. My heart raced. I don't like answering numbers that I don't know.

"Guys, I have to go. We'll talk some other time okay?" A chorus of 'okays' and 'alrights' came through my speaker. They hung up and my phone was still vibrating and ringing.

"Haru you answer." I gave my phone to her. She signed and answered on speaker.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Chachi?" A deep voice came through the speakers. I gasped. "You finally picked up."

"Kris." I said below a whisper.

"I'm surprised you called. But its Haru." She smiled at me. "Chachi is in shock right now." I hit her shoulder.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Same old. How about you ask her yourself?" Haru shoved my phone in my hand. I was about to argue but she grabbed her things and waved the folder at me telling me she has to go.

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