[20] Night Out

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"Cece~" The guys pulled back and blocked my vision from the 6 people. His bright smile, warm color eyes, and light brown hair filled my vision. "We miss you! Whats up with that look?" He asked me.

"Chachi~ I miss you so much!" Someone hugged me tightly. I felt like the air became thinner. I started moving around wanting to get free. My throat closed it and I suddenly felt like I was gonna collapse. My heart was racing faster. Not from being shocked, but from being so close to people.

"Guys! Back up!" Kyungsoo said pulling Tao, Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Chanyeol away from me. I stumbled back a bit but caught myself. I place my hand over my heart trying to relax. I closed my eyes and pictured myself in an open, vacant area. My heart beat calmed down and I opened my eyes.

"Are you okay Ce?" Kyungsoo asked with a worried look in his eyes. I nodded. "Pabo!" He turned to the 4 members and scolded them.

I still cant process that there all here. Well except for 2 members..

"What are you doing here?" I voice out.

"Ohh! Shes talking to us!" Baekhyun shouted making me flinch from his loud voice.

"Your manger and the Jung sisters set it up." Kyungsoo responded gently. I nodded. I looked over to Jessica who was behind the kitchen counter. She let out a nervous laugh.

"Surprise?" I rolled my eyes. "What? You said it yourself that you would meet up with them." I sighed.

"I'm glad we get to see you." Chen said opening his arms for a hug. I was reluctant to hug him back but I did it anyways. I think the reason why I'm opening up a bit is because I need to take my meds. And I'm not proud of it. Maybe.

Something buzzed in my chest as I saw these boys. They've grown so much in the past 2 years. I moved past the guys towards the living room but my eyes met someone. A pair of dark brown eyes and his bleach blonde hair. The chatters from the boys trying to talk to me died down. It felt like it was only us in the room. My stomach dropped. And a pain feeling replace the buzzing feeling.

"Its nice to see you again." He said and gave me a small smile. I didn't smile back. I dont know if I could. I swallowed the heavy feeling down and forced a small smile and nodded. I turn around so I couldn't face him and breathe. I thought I was ready to face Sehun. But its been so long, and I ran away from my problems, nothing got better.

"Agashi," I looked at Chul. He had his phone out as he filmed me. "Haru-isshi said to get dressed for tonight. You have a gig at Little Rocky's tonight." He read his message. I smiled.

"Jinja?" I had hope in my voice. Its been so long since I've played somewhere, and I'm desperate. I honestly don't care if its at a club or a birthday party.

"Ne ." He nodded. I smiled brightly and told the guys I'll be back after I finished getting dressed. I rushed past them and up to my room. I put my clothes in the laundry basket and took a quick shower. I wrapped my hair in the towel as I picked out blue skinny jeans and a tiger shirt with a laced back crop top that just went above my belly button.

I blowed dried my hair and started doing my own make up. Basic foundation, concealer, eyeliner, and mascara. But I did a smoky eye look to change it up a bit. I went to my bathroom and put in contacts. My eyes felt better but it was alright.

I heard a knock in the door as I place black stud earrings in my ear. "Come in." I called. I watched as the door opened through the mirror. Kyungsoo leaned against the door gazing at me. I smiled and he smiled back.

"You look beautiful." I rolled my eyes. I placed twin black ring earrings on my left cartilage.

"Thank you, but don't start." I got up and strayed few puffs of perfume on my skin and clothing. I charged my phone before walking out of my room.

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