[6] Surprise, Surprise

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~Chachi's POV~

I sat on the ground out of breath as I held a water bottle in my hand. My whole body was shaking form how much we were working today. I walked to grab my inhaler and inhaled it once, getting my breathing under control.

"Geez," Luna huffed out, tired just like me. "That was harder than I thought it'll be." She drank water as she fanned herself trying to get cool. I nodded agreeing with her. Make up and hair stylist were all over us trying to make us look like were not sweating and looking like a hot mess. Filming a music video is hard. I mean hard work. I stood up making the make up and hair stylist work on me better. My costume dresser was fixing my plaid puffy skirt with red suspenders and a red plaid elbow sleeve length crop top making sure it was perfect on me.

I dont like my outfit but I dont actually hate it. I have to admit it was cute and adorable but I dont like showing off to much of my skin.

"Ce, how many tattoos do you have?" Sulli asked me poking at my tattoo on my right arm.

"2." I said trying not to move as people were fixing me.It sounded weird and strange but it was all part of work.

"Jinja? (really) Where?" She asked. "I thought you only have 1."

I looked at her. "Here and here." I said pointing to my arm then my foot. "It says 'Dance Like No One Is Watching' with a date at the bottom."

She nodded. I looked up at the wall clock noticing it just struck 1. I have another choreography class to teach at 2:30-5:30 to 6ish.

"Places everyone!" The director hollered from the bright set as we all made our way in the middle. We took our stance as the music played. We dance and sang along with the lyrics as the camera rotated around us. We dance to our chorus. We were dancing to the ending of the song since we already filmed the other part. The only part we need is our individual parts in a glass platform surrounded by radiate light walls.

"Cece-ah," I looked a head of me to see my personal clothing stylist standing in front if me. I hummed in respond telling her to continue. "Bunjae said they want you changed ready your final shoot for this music video." I nodded and followed her towards my dressing room. She handed me a bag with folded clothes that were black, white, and denim jean shorts.

I walked into my changing room and strip off my clothes, folded them neatly, then changed. The black shirt was a loose crop top that had a faded skull on it. Luckily that gave me a black sports bra with this, but besides that I already love this shirt. Im happy that we get to keep the clothes we get to wear. The jeans were high waisted that rest comfortably on my waist, covering my belly button. I wore the checkerboard flannel and walked out. Her and her other crew took off my flannel and tied it nicely around my waist. 'So much for trying.'

My make up stylist fixed my eyeliner once more and then my hair stylist retied my hair letting my little bangs fall on the side of my face, giving me a full look. I walked to the director of this music video and waited until he place me where they needed me to do. I did what I was told and posed in positions they wanted me to do. Once I was done I was free to go.

"Good job today girls." Our manager said as he made his way towards all of us. We small smiled and thanked him. "So remember, we need to finish making out album, which we still need a name for." He said smiling.

"Yeah, were still working on that." Amber said.

"It will come to us eventually. We dont want it to be lame." Sulli said.

"Okay, just wanted to keep you 6 updated. Have a nice Sunday girls!" He said then went to talk to our director. I grabbed my water bottle and drank it while packing everything in my bag. I didnt bother changing because it was time for me to leave anyways.

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