[3] Leaving

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*Present Days*

~Chachi's POV~

"You cant be serious." I said looking up at Young-bae. He was walking around his room picking up his belongings and stored them in boxes, luggages, and bags.

"I cant be with you all the time Ce, your old enough to be by yourself." He said as his room was becoming more and more vacant.

"Since when were you planning this?" I asked with wide eyes as he walked past me with his bag.

"Since your 18th birthday." He said placing his bag near the door. Last year? He thought about this last year? I knitted my eyebrows together. It would make sense that he would be leaving now. Ever since he moved out after graduating high school, he took me along with him. I was thankful for that. I dont think I'll handle a life with my parents at home.

Its been a year and a half since BIGBANG went on a break. Now their getting back together and trying to make a huge comeback. "Youngbae Oppa b-but Im not ready to live alone." I followed him like a puppy wanting attention. I dont wanna be by myself. Even though all my life I've been alone, Youngbae was there for me.

"Chachi listen," he sighed and turn to face me. I looks like I havent even grown and inch. Im like a midget to all 5 of these guys. "Now that I've been working so hard with my own music and the music in BIGBANG Im barely home. You've been alone here half of the time. Your blowing up on the internet faster than I have. You've been signed to 2 record labels already. You can do this." He said a whole paragraph to me. He already lost me once he started talking. All I could think about is that I dont want him to leave.

I frowned and looked down. He is right. I've been alone sitting here in this apartment. I havent been home myself too. Working on music with F(x) and dancing at the studio. Oh yeah, I got signed my SM Entertainment and by 1 Million Dance Studio.

"Taeyang! Lets go YG is waiting for us at the studio." TOP said as he peeked inside the apartment.

"Saranghae Chachi." He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "If you dont wanna live alone ask Jessica to move in with you. Or move in, in the girls dorm where the F(x) members are."

I sighed and shook my head. Yes Im close with the girls but its not like sister close. Jessica is the only girl Im close with in my life.

"Saranghae Oppa." I whispered as he left. I stood in the hallway still processing what just happened. It all happened so fast. Why didnt he tell me before that he was moving out?

I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. My phone rang in my room. I walked down the hall and entered my poster filled room. I grabbed it off the table. My manager was calling me.

"Yeoboseyo (Hello *on the phone*) Haru-unni." I answered sitting on my bed.

"You seem upset." She said on the other line.

"Its been a tough morning." I played with the end of my large shirt. "Anyways, why'd you call? Is something wrong?"

"Uh," she said while I could hear the sound of paper moving. "I just wanted to remind you that you have rehearsal in like an hour." I mentally groaned. "Oh and I booked you a gig at Two Moons on, erm lets see...todays a Wednesday so, Saturday night at 7." She said.

"A night club?" I asked. 'I'll be dancing at a night club? No thank you.'

"Ani, something like a club. But its all dancers. They're very competitive." She spoke.

"C-Competitive? Haru-unni, Im not that good." I stuttered.

"Cece you'll do great. I wouldnt book you a gig if you arent good." I sighed. "Alright, I'll get ready for rehearsals. Thank you for informing me." I said about to hang up but she stopped me.

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