[5] Cafe

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~Chachi's POV~

I was in a deep sleep when a loud ring from my phone woke me up. I jolted up from bed thinking it was am emergency when it was just my phone. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I grabbed it and answered the call.

"Yeoboseyo." I said groggily.

"Mian, did I wake you?" I heard a chuckle on the other line. It was a guy's voice I didnt recognized. Maybe because I was still half asleep. I pulled the phone back to look at the caller and the time.

"Is there a reason you called to wake up me up at 8:47 in the morning, Seungri Oppa?" I yawned laying back down on my bed. I heard him chuckle on the other line.

"Ne there is a reason. Want to go out for a bit and grab a cup of coffee?" He asked nervously. I looked at the time again. Just before I could say yes I remembered I have rehearsal today at 10.

"Mianhae Seungri Oppa, I cant. I have rehearsal today and I also have class." I said yawning again. I just wanted to go to sleep. Take a mini nap before waking up. I am in college. Well a private music college to be exact. Im in my second year so far and almost done with it. Youngbae didnt want me to register but for my dance career I needed it. But Im not complaining. I am learning about music, along with the other 4 major classes.

"Arasso(okay), its fine. Maybe some other time. Oh and about Taeyang, hes okay. He feels bad about not picking you up."

"Gwenchanayo,(im okay) really. I got home safe." I assured him. "I have to go, jal itsuh.(bye)" I hung up and place my phone on the night stand. I got out of bed and grabbed my glasses. I picked out clothes that I should wear today. I looked at the weather and it would be a nice day. I chose a maroon knitted long sleeve sweater that was baggy with black high waisted skinny jeans.

I walked to my bathroom and freshened up. I decided not to wear make up or contacts today. I dont think it'll be that important. Its just rehearsal than school. I changed into my comfy black adidas shirt and leggings and grabbed my shoulder laptop bag and place my books and laptop stuff in it. Another duffel bag to but my clothes in to change after dancing.

I walked down the hall to the living room and place it on the couch. The kitchen was connected so it wasnt much walking back and forth. I prepared myself a light breakfast meal. Then made myself a salad for lunch. My phone rang in my room.

I went to get it. One of my band members called me.

"Yeoboseyo Amber." I said walking back to the kitchen to finish eating my strawberry waffles.

"Yeoboseyo, I wanted to say that practice today got canceled." I stopped eating. "Apparently last night when other people were here, the speakers popped causing an electric shock causing a fire in one of the music booth." She explained.

"How bad was the fire?" I continued eating.

"Burned at least 3 recording rooms. Luckily no one was hurt." And all the recording rooms were on the first floor. In total there were 4 recording rooms, and 3 floors in SM. "I dont know how long it will take to fix it but so far we have no practice."

"Arasso." I said. Placing my plate in the sink. "Well its a day off now. Haha, I'll talk go you later bye." I said hanging up. I drank my energy shake and started to unpack my dance bag. I still have enough time to be able to finish my history paper.

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