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~Suga's POV~

I scrolled down images of F(x) from there earlier times. Krystal and Chachi looked really young here. I opened another tab and looked up Youtube and searched F(x)'s songs. Specifically Chachi's solo's.

Is it wrong that I'm doing this? Its been weeks since we've seen her and it's just that, I cant stop my mind from pondering about her.

I watched a few video's of her small solo's and her voice was like heaven. It was soft and melodic like it was played on a piano. Why does she keep this a hidden?

"I thought I was the one whos curious." I heard a chuckle beside me causing me to shut my laptop forcefully. I looked to the door way to see Taehyung.

"What are you doing?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He walked into the room further standing at the end of the bed.

"I came to get you since were leaving to record later. Admit it Yoongi-hyung, you were listening to Chachi-noona right?" He smirked. I shook my head. I got off my bed and stretched.

"What are you talking about? I was listening to covers." I lied. I grabbed my bag and phone placing my notebooks inside.

"Dont lie hyung, it gives bad influence to the younger ones." He talks like he's older than me. But yet he is the childish one out of 7 of us.

"You already been in a bad influence." I said moving past him. I cracked a smile as I left the room.

"Suga-hyung!" He whined. "Thats mean!" He chased after me as we left the room heading to the living room where everyone was waiting.

We all checked if we had everything to head to the studio to work on our new album. We got into the van and drove to the studio.

"Is Cece-ah, going to be there?" J-Hope asked. I kept looking out the window not wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"Mollya, our manager didn't say anything." Namjoon said. "Were making lyrics, were technically not recording."

"But we haven't seen in weeks! Almost a month, I miss her." Jimin stated. I couldn't help but think what the guys are thinking. It is true all of us haven't seen her but Jin and I saw her at the carnival about 2 days ago.

"Suga and I saw her the other day." Jin said from the front seat. I looked at him then back out the window. The trees looked like blurs or green mush as we drove past.

"Really? When?" Jungkook asked. I kept quite. I thought Jin was gonna answer but he didn't. I still didn't look away.

Jin finally spoke up. "Its when we had our break and Jimin and V wanted to go to the carnival in town. We stumbled upon her while looking for all of you."

"Awe! I wanted to see Noona." V whined. I shook my head.

"You act like your obsessed." I mumbled.

"You can't blame me hyung, you were l-" I reached behind me and slapped his knee. "Yah!" He moved away. I rolled my eyes and played attention to the cars that drove past us.

"Hey, guys," Namjoon spoke from beside me. "I think I saw Chachi in that car." We all leaned towards him and looked out the window. We asked our driver to drive faster to catch up with the car. We were almost driving next to it and Jin was leaning over the dash board to see through the window.

"It is her! Wait I think. She has blond hair though." Jin said trying to look further. The driver sped up, and we drove past the car, looking through the window to see if what Namjoon thought was right.

I think my eyes were playing tricks on me but it was her. She was smiling and talking to the girl who was driving. They drove away from us and got off the exit.

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