[2] Auditions

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*3 years later*

~Chachis POV~

I sat on the couch with my headphones on listening to music. I rocked my head back and forth as it followed the rhythm. I was playing around with different dance moves as I created them online. Theres this one specific choreography I was creating.

I heard a loud stomp sounds and more shouts and laughter. I felt the couch dip beside me making me almost drop my laptop off my lap. I looked to my right to see a brown hair guy smiling at me. His smile made his eyes smaller and his nose scrunch up. I moved away from him but then I felt the other side of the couch dip down. He has black hair and he wasnt smiling. His eyes were focused on my laptop. I moved the screen down. I paused the music and slipped the headphones off and place then around my neck.

"Hows it going?" The first guy who sat beside me asked. I looked around the room trying to find someone else. I heard noises in the kitchen.

"...Good?" I questioned while fixing my glasses.

"What are you working on?" The other guy asked. Its been 3 years since my brother got signed by YG Entertainment, and was put into the band called BIGBANG. I havent been around then alot and I still get mixed up on whos who. I turned to the other guy then looked at my laptop.

"New choreography." I said shutting my laptop completely.

"How old are you again?"


"Hey there Cece." Another happy voice said as he leaned over the couch but he slipped and fell on top of I think his name is T.O.P? His feet flung foreword knocking my laptop of my lap and hit my stomach.

I grunted in pain. The loud crash of my laptop hitting the floor made me gasped. "Aigoo! (Oh my god)" I shouted as I stood up.

"Chachi, whats wrong?" I heard Youngbae asked as he rushed into the living room. I bent down to my laptop and opened it. The screen was shattered.

"Ani, ani, ani!(no)" I kept muttering as I pressed the spacebar hoping it would turn on. The screen kept blinking white with black lines across from it.

"C-Cece, I-Im-" the guy with black hair stuttered.

"Yah, Seungri, T.O.P, Daesung what did you do?" Another guy said as he made his way towards me. Youngbae was already beside me and took my laptop. I sulk on the floor gripping my sweatpants.

Of course it would be Seungri to knock over my laptop. I dont even know why Im here. I should be in my room. I knew they would be over because of Youngbae Oppa.

"Hey, Cece its alright." Daesung said as he leaned over the couch to get a better look at me. I shook my head back and forth. I looked up. His eyes widened.

"We'll buy you a knew one Cece, its ok." T.O.P said. I shook my head again. I wiped under my glasses so they dont fog up from crying.

"No, you dont understand. I had so much work on the laptop. Lets not forget I was creating your choreography's for your new song." I stood up from the floor and made my way up to my room. Im glad my parents arent here to hear this. Who knows how they'll act. Oh yeah, they'll be happy my laptop broke.

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