[14] Fun Day

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I laid on the couch as the cool breeze filled the room. I closed my eyes as my arms rested across it. "Yah! Lets do something." I felt a soft object landed on my stomach making me jolt up. I turn to glare at Krystal sitting on the other side of the couch on her laptop.

"Like what?" I grabbed my glasses putting it on fixing my hair.

"Molla. Its all gloomy with you. Its such a nice day." She said shutting it off placing it on the coffee table. She walked over to me and I moved my legs so she can sit. "Please Unni~" she begged. I cracked a smile and she laughed and I hit her with the pillow.

"Hajima(stop it)."

"Mwo?" She laughed. "You are older than me by 2 and half weeks." I sighed.

"Yeah and thats the weird part. Were the same age." I sat up from the couch moving my hair beside me.

"Anyways, come on, lets do something. We both have a day off, since is rare for your schedule, and it's such a nice day." She said leaning her head on my shoulder cuddling with my arm. I tried pushing her off. She started laughing which caused me to laugh.

"Krystal!" I shouted moving away from her. The door bell rang. I got up from the couch. "I'll get it." I ran my fingers through my hair fixing it then readjust my glasses. I was in one of Youngbae's black shirt with dragons on it, and black leggings. I looked through the eyehole. I couldn't help but smile, but it soon dropped when I saw the people behind her.

I opened the door and she smiled. "Hey-Hey!" She opened her arms to hug me. I hugged her back.

"Your back Unni." I hugged her tightly before releasing the hug. I smiled at Chul and the other camera crew. "You too guys." They laughed. I welcomed them into the house and locked the door.

"Hello Haru-unni, welcome back." Krystal bowed and greeted the other members.

"Well, Ce, I wanted to know what you've been doing? Hows work?" She asked so casually. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"If you havent noticed yet, my laptop broke. Its been stressful. My classes are getting larger, and the band that I'm teaching, thanks to you, are very...sociable." I explained. She smiled back.

"Your talking to them?" Her voice was bright. I groaned. When she acts like this she reminds me of Luhan.

"Aish, stop setting me up with people! And I already told you, my laptop broke, Haru-ah, I cant make new dances or remixes." I looked at her. Her face fell. I frowned.

"I'm sorry about that. We can buy you a new one, since its important to you." She said walking into the living room. Krystal asked our servants to serve drinks to our guest.

"Anyways, Unni, what are you doing here?" I crossed my arms. She smiled brightly.

"Were recording today. Well you are, I have business with other record labels and companies I have to discuss with." I sighed. I looked at Krystal and she smiled. My cosmetic stylist made her way towards me. She ushered me to my room and I obediently lead her there. My cosmetic stylist had crews that split up to work on me and Krystal.

"Oh, Ms. Chachi-ah, what should you wear today?" One of her crew members opened my closet. I was slightly embarrassed because it mostly contained boy clothes. She inhaled at the neatly folded clothes and clothes that hung by hangers.

A chuckle erupt behind me. She was doing my hair professionally. "Oh dear, Chachi-ah." She said. I rolled my eyes mentally.

"Sorry." I mumbled. She shook her head. "Dont be darling. Your clothing taste is a little tomboyish but really, how you put it together and how you look, its just amazing." She patted my shoulder looking into my eyes through the mirror.

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