[26] Eyes, Nose, and Lips

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I sat in my bed scrolling through my laptop plugging different music beats for this remix I'm making. I turned up the volume on my headphones nodding my head to the beat.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes under my glasses. My laptop made a ding sound, signaling I got an email. Haru sent me my schedule for today. Surprisingly its not that busy. I don't get to see the boys today, so thats good. I just get to teach new choreography for 1Million.

I groaned and paused the music. It was 6 in the morning and I have no plans until 8:35. I dont know why I'm up this early. I got up and washed my face and brushed my hair. "My roots~" I pouted moving my hair in different directions trying to cover the raven hair.

Oh yeah, I might dye my hair with Choi Seungri today. I should just dye it all brown. I put my glasses on and left my room with my phone and daily pills.

I finished my morning routine and started preparing for breakfast. Soon Krystal came strolling down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning." I laughed at her tired face. She yawned and sat down. She greeted me back.

"Why are you up early?"

"Can't sleep." I sighed. I started cutting some veggies to go with the main meal. "Its still 6, you can still sleep."

"I have to be at the studio-" she yawned. "At 7." She finished her sentence.

"Okay, well I'm making bibimbap. So hang on tight." She nodded and left to get ready for the morning. I finished up the meal and prepared 3 bowls. By the time I was done everyone was awake and refreshed.

We started eating and talking about work and other businesses. Jessica is starting to make music again and wanting to travel the world. Well I mean travel back to the states. Krystal doesn't really know where SM is going to do with them but she still wants to travel to the states.

"Are you guys even making music yet?" I asked Krystal.

"I mean, after we released 'All Mine' nothing is going on. All the other groups like SHINee and Red Velvet are taking center of attention with their comebacks and stuff." I nodded. I don't really know why I agreed in SM. Its slow in business but don't blame me. Theres a lot of trainees and artists that need to work.

"Well, I'll see you guys later." Krystal place the bowl in the sink and left. Jessica started cleaning the house doing her own thing. I grabbed my laptop, bluetooth speaker, and changes into a comfy warm hoodie and joggers so I can start practicing for covers on my main channel.

I walked outside and set everything up on the patio table. I scrolled through my playlist to find one to dance too. I decided to dance to SF9-Roar. I watched the choreography of their dance practice and studied every move. I listened to the music and beat to know when to use each move.

I want to follow Chani or Taeyoung dance move. It was a little challenging but I think I can manage. The only think now is find another 9 people to dance with.

I practice until Haru came to bother me. I didn't realize it was about 8. When you do something you love, time fly fast. "Hurry, we gotta go." I shut my laptop and rushed up the stairs to pack my stuff.

"Am I recording today?" I asked over my shoulder.

"For 1Million yes. Then you also have a meet up with your brother for tonights performance." I nodded to my short schedule. I finished packing and rushed to the bathroom to put contacts in.

I tried to put them in but it wasn't cooperating with me. "Screw it." I washed my hands and cleaned everything and left. I said my goodbyes to Jessica who shouted at me to study for my permit test. I sighed and got inside the car.

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