[11] Lessons

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~1 week later~

~Chachi's POV~

"You didnt tell me you were back." His voice rang through my laptop's speaker as he watched me pack clothes in my duffle bag.

"I did. You just forgot." I said looking at my laptop screen.

"I havent seen you in a year and a half. I miss you so much! We need to hang out." He rambled on. I smiled and sat on the desk chair.

"Oppa, you've been busy. I wouldn't blame you if you want to see me. I miss you more than anything." I said looking at his pouting face.

"Whoa! Is that Chachi?" I heard another voice in the background. Another face filled the screen other than Youngbae's. I smiled and waved.

"Hey Topie."

"You dyed your hair! Aigoo its blonde!" He pointed out with wide eyes. "Guys come here!" He called behind him.

"Aishh." Youngbae shook his head in annoyance. I giggled at them.

"Where are you now Chachi?" Top asked. Its funny how Seungri and him have the same birth name. Its hard to call both of them by their real name when they dont know who Im actually talking to.

"Home." I said. "Im back in South Korea."

"Mwo? We need to meet up." He said. The others filed in the room taking my attention form my brother so was pouting in the corner.

"Ah! Cece-ah! Your hair! You look beautiful as always!" Seungri said with a flirty smile. I shook my head.

"Thanks." I said multiple times today. I sighed hearing all of them bicker and Youngbae scolding Seungri for his facial expression.

"How was Beijing, Cece-ah?" Daesung asked.

"It was really pretty. Everything was already blooming their leaving traces if cherry blossoms petals everywhere you look." I described Beijing to them. "The weather was fair, wasnt to boiling hot but it was alright." They made comments about how they should do a tour their and visit Beijing. I heard a knock at my door. I turned around telling who ever knocked to enter.

"Hey Ce, we should get going." Jessica popped in. I nodded.

"Whos that?" Their voices escaped my speakers trying to see behind me but my chair was blocking the view. Jessica walked closer to me and bent down to the camera showing her face. She waved.

"Annyeonghaseyo, how are you guys?"

"Sica-ah! Were good, how are you?" They answered back all together. We laughed at how they all sound like squawking ducks.

"Im well, thanks." She laughed.

"Well we have to go. I have a class to teach." I sighed.

"Aw alright." Top frowned. I frowned too.

"Be careful Cece-ah. Dont over work yourself." Jiyong said from behind Youngbae. I nodded and thanked them again. We said our annyeong's and saranghae's, and saying that we'll skype later before we hung up. I sighed and shut off my laptop and backed it up in the galaxy case and into my personally backpack.

"Do you have a purse Chachi?" Jessica asked making me look at her who was seated on the end of my bed. I gave her a questioning look. "Im just asking. Your room is a little spacious." She looked around. I rolled my eyes.

"Sica-unni, I just moved in last week." I place the straps over my shoulders. "How is that related to me having a purse?"

"I wanted to know." She smiled. I shook my head and we headed out the door. We drove to the Bighit Entertainment. I finally have a pass and ID to that place. I havent been visiting that place in about a week. I wonder how the boys are doing.

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