[7] News

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*A month past*

Its now May and Exo were practicing day and night to get that choreography down. They were all so close on getting it right. Chachi hasnt been visiting them alot. She has her own class and music to work on. She only visit them like 1 every few weeks to see how they were improving. Today was one of those days.

It was early in the morning and Chachi was up and awake. She was on her laptop trying to put together new dance moves for her brother for his 'new' song that Youngbae keeps nagging her about. She organize the dance with this app and played it all together as the stick images all together with the music. Now all she has to do is put it until real life.

She looked at the clock. 6:08am. Her puts on her glasses and shut her laptop off and got up to get ready. She wore a white hoodie was baggy but comfortable to dance in, and some gray joggers. She slipped on black supras and stuffed everything in her bag. She walked downstairs and prepared herself a protein shake and made herself breakfast. Once she was done she grabbed her stuff then headed out the door.

When she stepped outside her apartment building the sky was murky blue. The sun wasnt up yet but it showed few rays in the east. She places her hood on her head and listen to music as she made her way to the dance studio. Instead of going to her private dance studio she went to the SM one since it was closer (40 minutes by walking) and it wouldn't be a bother have anyone pick her up.

When she got there she was greeted by 2 people in the front desk. She gave them a small and quick smile before heading to the basement. She rather dance in the basement than up in the third floor where people could watch her. She hates that.

She set up her laptop and plugged it into the speakers and played music. She cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders, stretching out her aching muscles and bones so they would be ready to dance. She did a split twisting her body so it would be flexible. She got up and made her way to her laptop. She played the audio again and watched as the animation moved telling her which dance moves to create.

About an hour had gone by she was already out of breathe. She fixed her pony tail as she replayed the beginning of the song and waiting for the beat to hit so she could recap all the lesson she taught herself. She was about 40 seconds into the song when her phone rang making her stop dancing and huffed out a breath of air. She paused her music and answered her phone.

"Yeoboseyo?" She answered controlling her breathing.

"Ce, we need to talk." A stern voice said on the other end. She pulled the phone away from her ear to look at the contact. It was her manager for F(x).

"Um, Mikel, sir, is something wrong?" She asked playing with the end of her shirt. A feeling starts to brew inside the pit if her stomach. But most of all her mind was racing with different predictions. And the worst part was:

She didnt take her medication.

"I wa-" before Mikel finish his sentence her phone rang again and she looked at it. It was her personal manager contacting her. She answered but put her on hold and went back to her band manager.

"Gwenchaw Mikel, but my manager is calling. I really need to take this." She hung up on him and went to talk to Haru.

"Cece, where are you?" She asked in a hurry. She raised her eyebrow and looked at herself in the mirror beside her.

"At the SM Dance Studio practicing my choreography for Taeyang why?" She said crossing her right arm over her chest.

"Ok, I pick you up. I need to discuss something with you." She said.

"Haru, are you okay?" Chachi asked in Chinese knowing that Haru would easily speak better that way.

"Yeah, I hope. I'll see you in about 5 minutes. If Mikel call, dont answer." She answered her back in her giving language. Chachi still needed to process what she said but she mostly understand it when she puts 2 and 2 together. She was still confused about whats going on. 'Why cant I talk to Mikel?' She wanted to ask but Haru already hung up.

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